
I think I need to learn how to do that better @lynncoyle1. You're doing such a good job of it. Well done you!

Wishing you both a peaceful day. 💙

thing :) and I'm loving it. Very liberating :) YOu should try it!Thank you @gillianpearce! It's my new

YOu should try it!

Ah. But I do @lynnecoyle1. I've been practising it for decades. 😁

But every now and again something like Steemit arrives and it gets harder.

When I was in Gozo I didn't post or comment and, as you say, it was very liberating.

That came about because I made some comment to John about hoping he wasn't going to answer work calls while we were away and my son said to me "well in that case mum I think you should do likewise and stay off Steemit".

Ha, ha, ha. Caught out! But I was happy for it.

There is definitely a feeling of compulsion being here which I do not like at all.

I found that I was waking up in the morning, and my first thought was steemit, and it also became my last thought before bed. To use the word addicted doesn't seem right, but I definitely was spending way to much time and energy on it, so I had to take a step back and reevaluate.

I found that I was waking up in the morning, and my first thought was steemit, and it also became my last thought before bed.

Yes. It's been that way for me at times @lynncoyle1 and it's the closest I've come to an addiction (apart from sugar maybe 😁).

But I've been able to walk away a couple of times when I've wanted to. It's a bit all or nothing though. I find it easier to walk away completely then to be more balanced with it. Same with sugar!

My last thing at night focus has become Steem Monsters (yep. I know. Incredible. I would never have guessed that)

But last night I got myself off the computer by 9.30 and that felt soooooo good.

It's hard being in a different timezone from most other people though. That's what drags me in.

Anyway. Today I get to spend with my daughter and grandson so no computer screen for hours. Woo hoo!

I hope you have a lovely day too. 💙 💙 💙