Oh, that's weird @viking-ventures. I too will be curious what you find out tomorrow.
I only take it now when it bothers me. This morning it is a bit, but I had a very restless sleep, so I'm sure that has something to do with it. I can go for days and sometimes weeks without having to take anything. My accident happened about 25 years ago though.
"Definitely loosening the muscles is crucial."
I think that's why when mine bothers me, I take the ibuprofen and the force myself to eat/chew something. It really helps.
Had the wisdom tooth out just now. I was right that it was loose - though it wasn't broken.
Slight sore where the tooth was. Slight TMJ pain. Still getting used to a lost tooth - it feels like I'm mourning, actually. It's weird. I guess it's because I'd never lost an adult tooth until now - still had all my wisdom teeth, it feels like a bit of a failure.
Hoping to reduce ibuprofen again tomorrow. It's time to be off it again.
Thanks for asking!