This so awesome! I am glad you went outside and got past the hardest part of it all just getting outside the door and starting to move around. Despite the weather and the mood!
A year ago I was running outside every day. During summer it was lovely, but then autumn and winter arrived. Rain, wind, cold and ice. I had to keep pushing myself. Extra layers and coat and extra pep talks were handy because it got so much more difficult, but not impossible.
And once you are out there, it does wonders.
The man with the metal detector! Aww! He has it all figured out :)
Exploring and being curious is what being human is all about and we should never stop!
So glad to hear you are feeling much better @mayb! Thank you for sharing!
I am grateful I stumbled across your post. Nothing is of more worth than moving another human being. If this world was fair, you would receive 1 Mio steem for it! Just be assured that a huge amount got transferred to your karma account.@m31 thank you for your kind words. All of them were felt. I already mentioned in another comment that I love love love how the universe is interacting through strangers sometimes. This metal detector man??? Of course, universe! Gotcha! :D