Top 5 most calorie burning exercises you must try !

in #health6 years ago

You all must be bored of doing that slow exercises which burns calories , just equal to nothing. So here are top 5 most calorie burning exercises you must try.

  1. Running


According to Harvard Medical School, a 155-pound individual burns roughly 500 calories, while a 185-pound person burns about 800 calories in an hour. So why you are wasting your time in that slow exercises here is a quick way to burn your fat even more faster and in a healthy way.

2 swimming


If you trying to loose your weight fast than you should definitely go for a swim. Because a 130-pound person swimming freestyle for one hour will burn about 600 calories swimming fast, and 420 calories swimming slower. A 155-pound person swimming freestyle for one hour will burn nearly 704 calories swimming fast, and 520 calories swimming slower. so for what are you waiting now! Just go for a swim and loose your weight.

3 Jumping ropes


Here it is , a one more very effective way to burn your more calories and even easier which is skipping. When you jump repeatedly, your body burns 900 to 1,000 calories an hour — compare that to 200 to 300 calories burned per hour while walking.

4 biking


One hour on a stationary bike burns about 500 calories for a person who weighs 160 pounds. Stationary bikes usually have more than one setting. You can make the pedaling more difficult if you want to burn extra calories. Vigorous stationary cycling burns about 850 calories in an hour.

5 rowing


Rowing is also considered as the most calorie burning exercise as it takes full energy and burns calories more faster so if are trying to loose weight so there is one more option for you. If you weigh 185 pounds you'll burn about 622 calories per hour rowing at a moderate pace, and about 754 calories in one hour rowing at a strenuous intensity, according to Harvard Medical.