Very interesting article. If I had more time, I'd try most of those that you "recommend," but since I've probably got only 20–25 years left, maybe I'll leave them for my next trip (pun unintended) around.
In Canada, they sell B-vitamin complex as anti-stress meds. They're only mildly effective.
I used to take the amino acid phenylalanine in pill form. I'd heard it was a great mental stimulant, but never found it to be that great.
The best stimulant (that is, the best legal, safe, and healthy stimulant that won't kill you) is ginseng. I've been doing it for years, and it's always good for a nice little mental buzz and a good steady supply of physical fuel. And you can even sleep well while on it (unlike caffeine, coke and all those other boosters).
When I visited my friend in South Korea, we'd go to the market, buy 2-4 roots of great aged ginseng, and eat them raw for lunch or for breakfast the next morning. (It's basically like a pungent white carrot.)
We'd feel energetic, focussed, and fantastic all day, then have a few beers with our dinner. The energy from the ginseng kept us going, and of course, the beer made us feel even better. So we'd drink well into the evening and on into the night.
Then we'd sleep well, wake up refreshed, have more potent raw ginseng root for breakfast, and have another great day and great eve. Highly recommended ... even if you have little time left.
Well shit. I've got some ginseng root in my freezer. I'm gonna go choke some down and see what happens. Thanks for the tip.