INTRODUCE HNI-HPAI [ Halal Network Indonesia ]

in #health8 years ago

Hai sahabat steemit ..!!
Semoga sahabat semua sehat selalu, dan beraktivitas seperti biasanya. begitupun dengan saya, disamping kegiatan saya sebagai pelajar saya juga memiliki pekerjaan sampingan yaitu sebagai suplir produk HNI-HPAI.

saya akan memperkenalkan produk HNI-HPAI yang saya jalankan.

HNI-HPAI merupakan perusahaan Halal Network di Indonesia yang mengeluarkan produk-produk herbal halal dan berkualitas yang terjaga alamiah, ilmiah dan ilahiahnya.

HNI-HPAI adalah era baru kejayaan bisnis Network Marketing Muslim. HNI-HPAI memanfaatkan teknologi terkini untuk menciptakan layanan yang cepat, akurat dan memuaskan. HNI-HPAI sudah memiliki layanan online dan offline yang cukup powerfull.

sumber :

Sahabat steemit semua bisa membaca di situs aslinya dan memahami berbagai produkny. Dan di sisni saya juga akan memberitahukan kepada teman-teman tentang produk-produk HNI-HPAI ini. Dan produk HPAI tidak hanya terkhusus pada obat-obatan tetapi ada juga produk HALAL lainnya seperti sabun, odol dan lain-lain.

Dan untuk harganya kami memiliki 2 kategori, yaitu :

  1. Harga Member
  2. harga konsumen biasa

Nah, untuk tahap posting selanjutnya saya akan menjelaskan tentang harga member dan harga kunsumen biasa, dan juga akan menjelaskan tentang produk-produk HNI-HPAI mulai dari penyakit dan obat yang perlu di konsumsi.
Untuk Produk ini Alhamdulillah HALAL THAIYYIBAN.

Inilah beberapa contoh Produk HNI-HPAI, Yaitu :




Hi friend steemit .. !!
Hopefully all healthy friends always, and move as usual. As well as with me, in addition to my activities as a student I also have a side job that is as a product supplier HNI-HPAI.

I will introduce the HNI-HPAI product that I run.

HNI-HPAI is a Halal Network company in Indonesia which produce high quality halal herbal products that naturally, scientifically and divinely (illahiah).

HNI-HPAI is the new era of the glory of Muslim network marketing business. HNI-HPAI utilizes the latest technology to produce fast, accurate and satisfactory service with powerful online and offline services.


Steemit friends can all read on the original site and understand the various products. And in sisni I will also tell my friends about these HNI-HPAI products. And HPAI products are not only specialized in medicines but there are also other HALAL products such as soap, toothpaste and others.

And for the price we have 2 categories, namely:

  1. Member Price
  2. ordinary consumer prices

Well, for the next post I will explain about member's price and the price of ordinary orangs, and also will explain about the HNI-HPAI products ranging from diseases and drugs that need to be consumed.
For this product Alhamdulillah HALAL THAIYYIBAN.


Selamat beraktivitas & hidup Sehat bersama HNI-HPAI.

Regards Steemit #Indonesia Community

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Follow Me @malanoer


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Welcome 2 steemit

@Malanoer - welcome to steemit. Hope you will enjoy ! All the best @digital-gypsy

Thank you @digital-gypsy . I will enjoy in steem it. Nice to meet you

Hello Malanoer its good to see more Steemians around. Have fun in this community. I wish you many followers and new friends :-) Cheers @chrisx

Hi @chrisx 😊😊 nice to meet you. I feel fun in this community. I hope have many friend to .

Hello @malanoer. Welcome to Steemit. I am David. I wish you have a happy journey here.

Hi @davidzack.. nice to meet you 😊😊😊 thank you for this coming. I hope soo. Will be a friend??

Welcome and Thank You for being with us!! Following your Blog now

thank you

welcome to steemit @malanoer hope we become a successful member in the future, there is no other platform like this. It's time to change our world. Visit and follow my account --> @rizalsipil. I hope it can be a great partner afterwards

Selamat bergabung teman, selamat menikmati hari- hari indaj di halaman ini semoga betah. Selamat berkreasi.

Hi @rizalsipil . Nice to meet you 😊😊😊 . I hope happy fun in this community . Thank you

nice introuction. Followed. Follow me back 😘

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

ok. Thank you for this information @gaman . Nice to meet you 😊😊😊

Nice to meet you too @bwin 😊😊😊 . Thank you