Here in the clinic we are taught to emphasize the 3 vitals of life on a daily basis.
( I would prioritize love over money but Im just displaying it in the order as we are meant to learn it)
As a first step for our health Self Esteem is considered to be the most important. Myne feels non existent right now.
I hate to be gloomy but the ups and downs are wearing me down, Im questioning if being here is doing me enough good to compensate the fact that I am not out in the real world and getting ready to go back to my job right now. At this point I should be feeling better about myself but the fact is all that is happened and what awaits me just seems to be a big cross to bear right now. In my mind I know that I will come out of this, but the feeling of despair is just overwhelming right now and getting in the way of looking forward.
I would give anything to be happy again, I was warned by many people in many ways that my choice of a life partner was not not the right one, but I chose to ignore them over and over again. Ignoring the opinions of others when you think you are to inteligent is a very ignorant way of looking at life.
This is my diary so I want to make sure to keep it honest, hopefully at a later date when I look back at this I can learn from this experience and use it to avoid ever falling into a similar situation.
nice post @mallorcaman
anims llorenç!!
I've been there, man. Not in a clinic, but so depressed that I didn't care if I lived another day or not. It's no good. But as you know, having children makes us want to keep going, so we can see them grow up and experience their lives.
They are my main reason for being strong and overcoming this unimaginable situation. Thanks for your supportive comment