in #health5 years ago

Have you ever imagined to be pregnant not being alone? I mean could you imagine to be pregnant with your friends? What are the odds that all of you might be pregnant together?

Well it doesn't happen everyday and the certainty certainly can lead to possibility, right?? Honestly, we do not know how the world conspire to make it happen. But I tell you it happened to us!

My bestest friends and I got pregnant all together despite the alarming pandemic going on.

How cute is that???

Pregnant Buddies


Let us all go back again to February of 2020, I did mentioned in my last post that I got pregnant before all the quarantines.. lol. Lately that I know, apparently I wasn't the only one who got hitched! There was also a close friend of mine who got pregnated long long way before me. She had just kept mum about it. She got pregnant last year of November 2019!! Mind you, the news got us dumbstruck! But really, we did not expect that she will be pregnant because she is already in her early 40's and her youngest is already 11 years old. She was really in denial for she cannot believe it either. She hadn't told anyone not even her husband. So, when she told us, we were all in shocked by the news! And she was already five (5) months pregnant and her belly wasn't even showing or probably she hid it well for us to notice.

Nonetheless, I was happy because I am not alone in this journey even though at that time, I was merely seven (7) weeks pregnant and my tummy looks like I was five months pregnant!!! Where's justice there? Life can sometimes be unfair.. hahahahaha

Buuuuuuuuut wait, there's more!!!!!

Another close friend of mine, R is likewise pregnant! And she just announced it too when she was almost five (5) months pregnant! And her bump?? Hmmmmmmmm.. it was merely there!

At the time of her revelation, B was already nine (9) months pregnant and I was in my seven (7) month.

To tell you our brief friendship history, we are all connected to the same company we are currently working now. We had been friends for more than a decade and nothing has changed. We remained the bestest friends inside and outside the organization.

Life is really full of surprises!



B is 9 months, me in 7 months and R is 5 months

We got pregnant for only two months apart. How weird it could that be?! It is such a strange phenomenon when all your closest friends happened to be pregnant with you. There is an old saying that when one is pregnant it is somewhat contagious. It acts like a virus that it can spread or infect to almost anyone who get close to you. Well, it was just an old saying that nobody really pay much attention to it, till now. We definitely did not believe it at first, but here we are. Honestly, there is one more close friend who is scared that she might be next! hahahahaha. People around here are already guessing that she'll be next.

So, B will be due on August of this year (which she already delivered to a healthy bouncing baby boy) while I am due in October and R in December.

Oh by the way, the surprise does not end there! Did you know, that all three (3) of us is gonna be having all BOYS?. Ooooohhh yeah! It's also creeping us out. It just keeps weirder and weirder.. lol.

Luckily for us, we have wanna be photographers friends who wanted to capture the moment. They wanted to do a pregnancy shoot for us to cherish and remember this fantastic and awesome opportunity to be all pregnant almost at the same time.



The shoot wasn't really all serious especially if the subject were US! hahahaha. We just kept on laughing and told them to just capture candid shots. Well, it turned out okay, I guess.

B the 9 month Preggy



So, this is B. A mother of four soon. She has two girls and a boy and one boy coming. Well, actually, to date she already had given birth last month. And it wasn't easy because she was already past 40'ish. But she made it through!! Thank GOD all prayers were heard. There were no major complications to her and the baby. They are both fine now. And she seemd to being a new mom because it has been long gap and now she is back to zero. Though, she is loving it! She is into CDing too, it's er first time...weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhh! Well, we are talented enabler friends after all.... hahahahahha..

R the 5th month Preggy



R is the youngest among my bestest friends. But she already have two young boys plus one more coming. She is still in her late 20'ish! hahaha... we are older than her and we seem fine altogether. Age does not matter in frienship. What matters is the relationship we have that kept us together in all the ups and downs of life.

Well, R is not one who always announces her pregnancy to the public. I mean even us, she kept it well hidden in all her pregnancy. We seem to find out only right after the 5th month. Mind you, she is quite good for she is really small and her belly aint showing. You will never really notice it.

By the way, she is a mom to three boys soon, more like same with me. :)

The Middle Preggy Lady



Well, there goes my big big big bump! This pregnancy of mine hasn't been the same as my previous. Or maybe because age is crawling back at me. I'm gonna turn forty next year and this shall be my last pregnancy. Yes! you heard me right, this is the last! I might not be able to take it the next time.

I am still contemplating to get ligated or probably just use any family planning methods in order not to get pregnant again. It a tough decision to make, to ligate or not.. do you have any thoughts? please do share and enligthen me, I do need a little piece of advice as I am really confused right now.

In the past week, I started contracting. And it isn't a good sign now at eight months! I panicked and as well as the whole family.. It is too early to give birth, I am not ready!!!!

I was adviced by my OB to be on bedrest for a week. I was struggling because it hurts everytime I move to my sides and whenever I get up. My belly hardens each time but not regularly. But it is still alarming.

But now, I am doing much okay. We are somewhat relieved that the tigthening has lessen down and I able to walk around with no pain on the sides. Still, I am at home getting all the rest I needed.

Hmmmmmm... one more month before I get this baby out! WOhooooooooo! time flies sooooo fast and I am about to burst. Hopefully, everything will be okay, normal and safe. Please do pray for me.. I am getting scared already, I cannot imagine the labor pains I am going to undergo again. Being a woman, being a mother is not an easy job! It is tough sh****t! (sorry). It's another story to tell. Stay tune about it though.

Im gonna be a mother of three soon, and all BOYS! Goodluck to me!

Okay, that's it for today.

Thank you again for bearing with my blabbing today. Hope you enjoyed my little life update.

Take care and keep safe everyone!


the pregnant lady

Goodluck to you. All the best.

Thank you!

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Wishing you all the best! How exciting! Love the photos! ❤️

Thank you so much! Its pretty exciting alright.. cant wait to have a picture with the babies once they are all out..

that is so cuteeee
You will have all these notes to share, and maybe even exchange the baby shower gifts hahaha

All the best Maquemali <33

Yees you are right! We have so many things to share and exchange information..