Wake Up America...

in #health7 years ago


"Americans are slowly waking up to the sad fact that much of the food sold in the US is far inferior to the same foods sold in other nations. In fact, many of the foods you eat are BANNED in other countries."

Many foods sold in the US are banned in other countries due to harmful additives, growth promoters, genetically engineered ingredients or other dangerous practices. To avoid potentially hazardous foods and harmful ingredients permitted in the US food supply, ditching processed foods entirely is your best option.

Also swap out your regular meat sources for​ organic, grass-fed/pasture-raised versions of beef and poultry. The same goes for dairy products and animal by-products such as eggs.

Here is a list of 10 foods banned in other countries.

  1. Farmed - raised Salmon
  2. GMO papayas
  3. Rice Krispies
  4. Kraft Mac and cheese
  5. The US milk
  6. Tyson chicken
  7. Yogurt
  8. Ractopamine- Tainted meat
  9. artificial food coloring
  10. Mountain Dew​

Don't Mistreat your body, treat your body. It's the only one you have.
Start your day off right and drinks lots of WATER or COCONUT WATER!


Which countries are those?
Drinking a lot of water is not good, according to some dietologist. Your body knows how much water you need.

drinks lots of water not an ​excessive amount of water. Yes, your body does. if your urine is clear be may have drunk​ too much water and your body is over hydrated. ​

from my list, ​most are banned in the European Union, Canada, and Australia​