Fever is one of the body's best methods for battling contamination.
The normal body temperature is 98.6° F (37°C). In any case, "typical" body temperature differs from individual to individual. It additionally changes amid the day, rising somewhat after you eat or work out. Body temperature is frequently higher toward the evening than it is the point at which you get up early in the day.
Fever implies a body temperature of 100.4° F (38°C) or higher. A disease, for example, this season's cold virus, is the most well-known reason for fever.
Different conditions can likewise cause a fever. These incorporate sicknesses that create irritation, for example, rheumatoid joint inflammation, responses to medications or immunizations, and even certain kinds of diseases.
Fever manifestations
Individuals with a fever may likewise:
shudder (chills)
have a migraine
have pain-filled muscles
not have any desire to eat
break out in a rash
be eager
feel powerless.
A high fever can cause perplexity, extraordinary languor, fractiousness, and seizures.
Diagnosing the reason for a fever
To help decide why you have a fever, your specialist will get some information about:
different manifestations, for example, hacking, stomach torment, heaving, looseness of the bowels, or agony while urinating
ongoing medical procedures or wounds
ongoing inoculations
new medications you might take
late travel, especially travel abroad.
Treating a fever
Fever is a piece of your body's resistance against disease causing germs. Without anyone else's input, fever is normally innocuous, however a high fever can be hopeless. These means may enable you to feel good:
Drink a lot of liquids to help cool your body and counteract lack of hydration.
Eat light sustenances that are anything but difficult to process.
Get a lot of rest.
Take ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, or others), naproxen, (Aleve, Naprosyn, or others), acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or headache medicine to help calm head and body throbs and lower your temperature.
Take a somewhat warm, not cool, shower or apply soggy washcloths to the brow and wrists.
Dress daintily (regardless of whether you have chills).
On the off chance that you have a fever more than 104°F (40°C) call your specialist. Summon your specialist right in the event that you have a fever alongside any of these side effects:
loss of awareness
hardened neck
inconvenience relaxing
extreme torment anyplace in the body
swelling or irritation of any piece of the body
vaginal release that is stained or smells unpleasant
torment when urinating or pee that scents terrible