Eliminate your own pain....

in #health7 years ago

He tells me that we only live once, and to eat anything we want...enjoy life!!

I tell him that we only die once, but we live for many days / years dependant on lifestyle & what chemistry / foods we chose to ingest...

It’s about quality of life... you can live relatively long feeling bad, living with health issues...

Almost everyone eats what they want (or what their parasites & fungus/candida wants) only to become dependent on the medical system, pharmaceutical drugs, & a burden to their families...

who wants to be a burden on others?

Eating primarily fruits & raw foods can give you the freedom & quality of life that others can only dream of...

I was fairly sick my entire life & at the time, that felt normal to me, it wasn’t until the last 4 years of slowly restoring my health, that I have something to compare my past ways to, in order to come to terms with how sick I truly was...

feel absolutely blessed that you came across this knowledge, many don’t get this opportunity...it’s hidden in plain sight amongst a sea of misinformation, paleo & keto diets, pills & supplements, new studies & wrong dietary information....The results of following the latest dietetic advice & findings often push people further into poor health...never offering health, relief or remedy...

he then asks me if I ever crave other foods...

honestly, at one point my cravings were insatiable...but I let myself overeat & go through that stage with foods such as steamed veggies & nuts...once malabsorption, parasite & fungal issues resolve a little, the urge to eat insatiably subsides...

I tell him that if he truly learned how foods such as meat, milks & eggs react within our bodies, how they cause inflammation, mucus & acids which are corrosive, build up & destroys health, he would probably rethink what he allowed himself to ingest...

But you have to truly learn it for yourself...I can’t “tell you anything”, it just goes in one ear & out the other ear...

So to get back to the “only living once “ excuse in order to ingest toxic/mucus forming foods in moderation?

No thanks, I know what it feels like to feel lethargic with daily headaches, depression & pain...

Nothing tastes as good as health feels...

life is not all that it can be without your health...

we create our own pain, & only we can eliminate our pain... nobody, no pill, supplement or surgery can eliminate our pain for us... detoxification is the key...

let’s age gracefully, with wisdom & vitality...

Mariah 🍎 Heal Thy Self
Healthy Self....


Mariah, does your diet consist strictly of raw plant matter? Cleaning my diet up has been a slow process but I am grateful to know the ill effects of the modern diet.

Thank you Maria for these wise words! I am happy that you found the way to resolve your health issue. Keep it up! We need to spread awareness to let vegan movement grow :)