Hi friend steemit .. hope you guys always succeed, post about Benefits of Bengkoang Fruits.
Bengkoang contain enough water so good to help supply fluids in the body. High liquid content in bengkoang is recommended for consumption for diabetics and you are dieting.
Not only useful for maintaining the health of internal organs, bengkoang is also very good for maintaining the health of the outermost body of the skin. Bengkoang fruit that is still fresh will usually be in the scar and then used as a skin mask.
thank you for visiting posts I was very simple, if you want to post I please in upvote and follow.
Bengkoang mengandung cukup air sehingga bermanfaat untuk membantu suplai cairan dalam tubuh. Kandungan cairan yang tinggi di bengkoang direkomendasikan untuk dikonsumsi penderita diabetes dan Anda sedang berdiet.
Tidak hanya berguna untuk menjaga kesehatan organ dalam, bengkoang juga sangat baik untuk menjaga kesehatan tubuh terluar kulit. Buah bengkoang yang masih segar biasanya akan di bekas luka dan kemudian dijadikan masker kulit.
terima kasih telah mengunjungi postingan saya sangat sederhana, kalau mau posting silahkan di upvote dan ikuti.
Meulatun leh euuh haha
Jícama is the word you are looking for.
and also, it's not fruit as far as I know.
no offense there. just wanted to share a knowledge.. :)
keep sharing..
This fruit, the fruit is perfect for extending our birds. and very rare fruit found...
Ule kah
Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have been defended with a 1.43% vote... I was summoned by @marlbwhale! I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...Whoosh