I am a Nigerian. Born and raised in the Mid Western region (Delta State) where we have palm trees in abundance. We are from originally from Edo State, but settled in Delta State where I was born . In fact, my grandmother (about 95 years old) who is still alive makes palm oil. That is her occupation! In my state capital, Benin City, we have an institute known as Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research (NIFOR),http://nifor.gov.ng/ . A couple of days back, when I spoke with my mum, she told me that grandma (her mother, my grandmother) made palm oil and palm kernel oil. Honestly, I don't see anything bad in using palm oil in its natural form. As a biochemist and public health scientist, I know that we really don't need more than 30g of fat a day. So when using palm oil we shouldn't use more than a table spoon for instance. Since I came to Belgrade, I've not seen anywhere palm oil is sold (I mean red palm oil the way it is naturally). All you see is bleached palm oil and I don't buy that because the bleaching process strips it of essential nutrients. That said. I will continue to cherish my grandma's palm oil and any other palm oil that maintains its integrity, using it wisely for my delicious Nigerian meals. Thank you for sharing your post.
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Hi @maryfavour! Thanks for your input and sharing your story. Palm oil is indeed a healthy oil, especially if you make it yourself! Just as coconut it contains MCTs, but it is the impact on nature and the people who work in the industry. I'm glad to hear that the food industry hasn't commercialized this in Nigeria. In SE-Asia the oil is causing a huge devastation. If they keep doing this, animals such as the Sumatran tiger will go in extinction and not much of the pristine tropical rainforest will remain. That's what concerns me the most! Thanks again for your insights! Enjoy the rest of the day!
Hello, @amy-goodrich! You are welcome. Glad that we both agree that palm oil as well as coconut oil contain medium chain tryglycerides (MCTs), which are actually healthy. I had little to no information reagrding it's impact on nature and people who work in the industry. Now, I know better. Thanks to your enlightenement. In Nigeria, we do not have such challenges of deforestation as South East Asia. I also know that we have Forest Research Institutes, with one situated in Benin-City, the capital of my state of Origin Edo State. Here, the link http://www.frin.gov.ng/frin1/benin.html
One of the responsibilities that the forest research institute is charged with is to look into issues of deforestation. Maybe SE-Asia need to come and learn from us (best practices) how we preserve our forest. Cheers.
Think we kinda have the same education and passion for health. Before I started to travel and work online, I studied the cell cycle of plants and pathways of the saponin production at the Univerity of Ghent, Belgium. Miss my nerdy, sciency job sometimes! But love the freedom of working online and being my own boss! SE-Asia palm production can def learn something from Nigeria! If I could I would go there tomorrow and send them all over for a good lesson in sustainability and eco-friendly living! Thanks for your addition and insights!