11 tips to protect yourself from the flu

in #health7 years ago

Influenza is a viral disease and highly contagious, which rages a lot in winter. Moreover, France is far from being spared since an epidemic of influenza currently strikes the metropolitan territory.
According to France Info, since the beginning of the epidemic, 936,000 people have visited their GP in a flu-like state. The disease also caused the death of 70 people, the majority of whom are elderly.
The symptoms of the flu themselves are variable but always uncomfortable: high fever (above 39 ° C), chills, body aches, fatigue, runny nose, headache, sore throat, loss of appetite, speeding up cardiac ... All these symptoms make us cross our fingers so we do not catch the flu this winter. There are ways to make sure you do not get sick. Here are 11 tips to put into practice to avoid catching the flu.

1- Get vaccinated
Vaccination remains the best way to prevent seasonal flu. One injection is sufficient for adults and children over nine, and the vaccine takes about two weeks to be protected.
If you are over 65, pregnant or in contact with an infant under 6 months of age, it is strongly recommended that you get vaccinated. Indeed, you are considered a person at risk: the virus is more dangerous for you because it can lead to serious complications.
Know that it is still possible, while the epidemic is raging, to get vaccinated against the flu. For this, simply make an appointment with your GP. Midwives (for pregnant women and those around the infant) and nurses are also eligible to carry out the vaccine.

2- Wash your hands regularly
It seems obvious, and yet we do not wash our hands as often as we should, especially when there is an epidemic of flu or gastroenteritis. Whenever you can (after using public transport, before having lunch or handling food, after going to the bathroom), wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap for at least 30 minutes. seconds, insisting well between the fingers and going up to the wrists. If you can not wash your hands, you can also disinfect them with hydroalcoholic gel.

3- Avoid the maximum contact with sick people
It may also seem obvious, but it is actually difficult to put into practice, especially when you live under the same roof as someone who is sick. If your spouse complains of headaches or sore throats, avoid physical contact as much as possible, and insist that he / she seek prompt medical attention for a diagnosis. We avoid kissing and, if the flu is there, we can even try to separate room for a few days, the time the virus has dissipated.

4- Discard your used tissues
If you use paper tissues, remember that these are for single use only. Once used, throw them in the trash and wash your hands to prevent germs from proliferating.

5- Avoid crowded places
Even if you dream of doing the sales, preferably choose to go to the shops at the times when there will be the least number of people. It is advisable to stay away from overcrowded and crowded areas during the flu season. You may be in contact with a lot of strangers coughing and sneezing, who could give you their germs.

6- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
Germs can easily spread in the eyes, nose or mouth. Keep your hands away from your face to minimize exposure to flu germs.

7- Cover your mouth if you cough
Protecting yourself against the flu is also making sure not to pass on to your subway neighbors or coworkers the virus. To avoid contaminating them, cover your mouth if you sneeze or cough then wash your hands.

8- Clean the surfaces
In times of flu, it is necessary to regularly clean the surfaces and objects with which one is in contact to avoid the proliferation of germs. This involves, for example, door handles, keypads and telephones which, it is recalled, are much dirtier than toilet bowls.

9- If you feel bad, stay home
If you feel the flu despite all the precautions you have taken, it is best to call the doctor and stay at home to rest. There is no point in going to work and doing presenteeism. Not only would it be useless - you will not be as efficient and invested as usual - but in addition, you risk giving the flu to your colleagues.

10- Do sports
It's proven: to stay healthy during the winter, nothing beats exercise. Walking, running or yoga: physical exercise will stimulate your immune system, which will then be better able to fight external aggression.

11- Stimulate your immune system
Some essential oils, such as tea tree, lemon, Thymol thyme, eucalyptus radiata or ravintsara are known for their antiviral properties. These natural remedies stimulate the immune system, increase the number of white blood cells, prevent inflammation, heal mucous membranes (yuk), and more. Be careful though: natural remedy does not mean safe. Ask a health professional before using them.



Very good tips ,, Read my latest post!! Tough week for me but could of been so much worse .. jkenny

I do not see anything on your link :(