Fruit Is Giving Me My Life Back

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Chuck and I this past weekend

Since my Kundalini Awakening 2 1/2 years ago, I have been battling intense chronic illness. [I'm still saving the post about my spiritual crisis part of this journey for a later date.] Though I tried many of the usual alternative healing modalities and practitioners, I simply wasn't getting well. I saw one of the best Chinese Medicine docs in Boulder a couple times a week for months. He definitely helped stabilize my system in what can only be described as a time of pure hell and borderline insanity. But, was finding I needed more support to get to the bottom of things. I found a Naturopath who utilized a Biofeedback scanner device in attempt to pinpoint my ailments. No luck there. Following that, I saw a Functional Medicine doc (also in Boulder) whom I saw weekly for a while and then monthly. I did improve some, but soon went back to feeling terrible. Thankfully, I complained enough to him that he decided to test me for Epstein Barr. That's when I had my breakthrough.

As soon as my EBV test came back positive, I remembered some info a friend had shared with me a couple years ago - right at the beginning of my Kundalini crisis. She told me about this guy called the Medical Medium. He had said that all people with Hashimotos (and various other "autoimmune" conditions) had Epstein Barr. I was not in a place to take on new info and felt super overwhelmed by this at that time. So, I kept focusing on getting through my spiritual, mental and emotional healing waves that kept on spontaneously surfacing one after another. But, that whole time, something told me that I would eventually need to deal with Epstein Barr. Right after I found out that EBV was in fact what I wad dealing with, I had another friend suggest I look into the Medical Medium for help with it. Being the mystical person that I am, I took this synchronicity as a sign that this was the path I needed to follow. I quickly dropped my Functional Medicine doc and jumped on the Medical Medium protocol. I literally felt a difference immediately. My body was singing Hallelujah from the fruits I starting nourishing it with.

I went from a very restricted version of the Paleo diet to a strictly plant-based diet in a matter of days. I also cut out most fats. I found that the high fat diet often supported by the Paleo diet was stressing out my liver. Yes, even the healthy fats. I started cramming my days with fruit and was so surprised that it didn't affect my blood sugar. This is because fruit sugar does not affect our system in nearly the same way as processed/refined sugars. Our liver, adrenals and brain all thrive off glucose - not fat and not protein.

I learned this the hard way. I was a vegetarian and vegan from 18-27 and then again from 29-32 - so for most of my adult life. But, I was far from a healthy veggie. I ate all of those terrible meat substitutes and other conventional junk. I also drank a good amount of alcohol regularly. After finding out I had Hashimotos, 4 years ago, I quickly dove into the Paleo diet hoping it was the answer to the Hasthimotos. I slowly started feeling better and was convinced it was because I was eating meat again and not eating grains and legumes. But, of course I felt better. I went from a lot of sugars and processed foods to a more whole foods based diet. Though I never quite felt awesome, things improved enough for me to live a pretty normal life.

Then came that fateful evening with Mother Ayahuasca. This communion spontaneously activated my Kundalini - causing tremendous stress on my system. The chronic illness that was previously fairly manageable, become unbearable. So - the next couple years were filled with trials, mistakes, terror, doubt, suicidal thoughts, loneliness, hopelessness. But also, invaluable lessons, gratitude, connection to All, spiritual attunement, growth on all levels, and a deep desire for a strong healthy system. And now, I'm finally finding that strong healthy system! After all, these human bodies are fucking phenomenal vessels capable of extreme regeneration and renewal.

I have been on the Medical Medium protocol for almost 4 months now. That isn't long, but man things have shifted FAST in that short time. For the past several months, I have been intentionally detoxing heavy metals, Epstein Barr Virus, Shingles Virus, and Strep (and probably other pathogens that are finally finding my body to be hostile environment for them). All of these pathogens were causing my chronic illness. Epstein Barr causes all sorts of mystery conditions (ie: Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hashimotos, Diabetese Type 1, Fibromyalgia, Lyme's Disease, and many more!). Heavy metals (which are in much of our food, water, even air outside) feed Epstein Barr - so it's essential to detox these to heal. As these EBV and friends die off, they create neuro toxins which can manifest as all sorts of weird neurological symptoms. Last night this looked like: vibrations and pulsating throughout my body (literally unable to tell if Chuck was moving around in the bed or if it was my body vibrating inside), pounding heart, tight chest, constricted back, anger & fear, buzzing sounds in my ears, and insomnia. Thankfully, not nearly as intense as it once was, but still a bitch. Detoxing takes my system tremendous work and energy.

My liver (which is finally regaining some of its capacity), is working over time nonstop. In order to help it, it's best for me to continuously help support it in flushing these toxins. This often involves days where I consume nothing but a heavy metal detox smoothie in the morning, lots of juice, lemon/honey/ginger water, and herbal teas until 3:30. Juicing 100% organic produce ain't cheap, but I believe eating whole foods like these is the only way to truly heal the body. Once I learned (and believed) that the body cannot consume too much fruit, my life changed. Don't be afraid of fruit sugar! It doesn't affect your body like we've been led to believe. Fruits are the most healing foods on this planet. Eat 'em up!!

Thanks to my progress with this "fruitful" diet, I am traveling out of the country for the first time since all of this began over 2 1/2 years ago. Next week, @Chuckwilliams37 and I are off to Acapulco for Anarchapulco!

I ate or juiced all of this by 3:30 pm

I ate or juiced all of this by 3:30 pm

Edit: I have made it through the hell thanks to the support of a wonderful shaman, various other healers, my patient husband and my pup. It's my intention now to help others heal their wounds, be that going through an awakening process or healing from illness.


Hey there Melina, have you tried to contact swami Chetananda about the kundalini issue? I'm pretty sure he's in your area and is probably the most knowledgeable person around on the subject. He is the protege of Swami Rudi who was one of the pioneers of kundalini yoga in the US. Might be a good idea to send him an email?

All of that has smoothed out now through incredible determination. I worked with an amazingly supportive Shaman in Boulder who helped teach me tools and get me through. Thank you though <3

No problem, glad things worked out for you.

Thank you so much for sharing your experience Melina! It gives me confirmation to go ahead and try the Medical Medium protocol. I've had major health issues as well since some very powerful kundalini experiences back in 2006. It's been rough! I was also "diagnosed" with lyme disease, and supposedly it is chronic. I've been a raw food vegan, vegetarian, and also tried a more paleo diet as well over the past 20 years or so, always avoiding too much fruit! Thank you for the inspiration, and much joy and harmony on your journey. Have fun at Anarchapulco! :-)

Aww, this is wonderful!! There is just so much conflicting info about healing - especially chronic illness. MM gave me so much hope and a way to get my body back. No one else offered that. Since you've done the raw vegan way, you will probably not struggle much with the protocol. I do eat cooked foods in the evening. Potatoes are fantastic for killing off EBV because they're so rich in lysine. I eat potatoes almost every night. I was so afraid of fruit - yet it confused me that I felt that way. Here are these gifts from nature that I KNEW were filled with so many cancer fighting nutrients, yet I was afraid they weren't good for me because of the "sugar". I eat SO much fruit now though. Some folks might have issues at first because a lot of fruit can cause detoxing to speed up. That's why some cooked food can be helpful - especially later in the day. Something else that's super helpful is limiting fat to next to nothing for a while (and not taking a ton of the suggested supplements at first but to slowly ramp up over months). It helps your liver get on board and helps it detox more smoothly. Let me know if I can help support you. There are lots of little tricks that help make it a smoother process. Many blessings on your healing journey!
PS - I am finding a huge link between EBV and Kundalini. I think EBV is just SO prevalent these days that most people actually have it - but then a huge trauma like Kundalini takes place and EBV and friends wreak total havoc to the point where you can't distinguish between the Kundalini and the pathogens. It's not fun - but it can be healed for sure <3

Thank you! <3

Thank you for reporting in a simple and practical way, I will start eating fruits every day and I wish you to continue recovering your health.