No. I don't tell you what to eat or exercise to be healthy.
I don't know what is good or bad for you.
What I'd say here is somewhat radical and which escapes most people...its all about data.
What has data got to do with health?
A lot, let me tell you:
Primo: Most if not all people are now in a state of confusion due to data overload. The outcome is confusion. Why? Mismanagement of data. So manage it! How? If I have to tell you, then you should stay off-line. Data is the foundation of AI and definitely for us (humans) too, and its all about managing it as in (IT)?
Secundo: Everybody is very hyped about their HEALTH nowadays and is in a frenzy-rush into dieting. Good data about this is in abundance on-line. Again the word "data". Manage it! Remember - we are all differently built and configured and that old adage "One man's meat is another's poison" is still good advice. You should know your own body better than any doctor or health-freak-specialist. If you don't know that. That's the reason you're unhealthy and you should be sick by now.
Trio: Have a good fulfilling life while enjoying your food...and manage them data (of course)
Bon appétit