Just Breathe

in #health7 years ago

Hi Everyone!

So this short 30-second video clip is my first entry into the world of DTube!
I'm playing with new tools, broadening my social media strategies and concepts, and having a blast.
I used Wondershare Filmora to create this video originally to post to Instagram which is why the video is purposefully square. I'm not sure how it's going to look until I submit this, am I?

Don't mind me while I get through the learning curve.

Does markdown work here?
Is it going to show up automatically in my Steemit.com feed?

Time to just do it.

Meredith Loughran blogs on Steemit.com and now has a video on DTube! @merej99

▶️ DTube

dtube is really awesome

It really is!
For what it's worth, I just gave 100% upvote for being the very first comment on my very first DTube post. Thank you :)

I didn't realise i needed those few minutes. feel nice and chilled now Thanks meredith.

30 seconds off a hamster wheel sounds pretty darn good to me about now. LOL I feel a 3rd wind coming 'cause the brain won't shut down for the night!

What's the magic in that video? I felt relaxed and ended up with a smile on my face. I see others were affected too. Wow! :)

You are the sweetest, @kenny-crane A little calm for the day can do wonders.

The magic is Mer. She has a certain something that transfers to whatever she does. Authenticity? Loveliness? Mereness. If only it could be bottled.

That fills my heart. Thank you for being amazing @girlbeforemirror

Ah, there you are - You're back, I hope, for a season at least. This was one of the first DTube vids that actually worked for me - Probably my lack of technical know how, but it was 30 seconds well spent:)

I sure hope you stay a while, mere - No pressure...Well, maybe just a little, lol

I was all set to work on a post for this evening and then hubby and I started playing music. Inevitably we get sidetracked with singing and twirling around the living room. Not a tough choice. LOL
March is usually my manic month topped with insomnia but lots of stuff gets done. Good or bad? Eh. . . I'm trying. It's good to be back though. Hopefully not as a shooting star this time XOXOX

Meredith Loughran blogs on Steemit.com


Oh, I hope, mere - shooting stars are so brief :)

That would have been a great video vlog or whatever it's called. Get him to video you singing and dancing. It would be the best video ever!

cool nice relaxing music with scenery to accompany it. relaxed me a bit, Good job!

Thank you @veteranforcrypto!

I'm sitting here thinking, "It couldn't have been that easy." I'm still fekkin' around with uploading it to YouTube...which, due to the changes in their user agreements removed me from their affiliate program because I don't have 1,000 subscribers. I'm nearly giddy! I might have to watch the video again to calm down. LOL

dtube is really awesome for sharing video. i see your video. your are really doing great

Hey thanks, @jackjounior - I love it much more than YouTube! Only seeing benefits from posting videos there. I think I've found a new hobby. :)

Good job Mere! I enjoyed the 30 seconds of breathing and focusing on the photo. Thank you.

Hey woman! How've you been?! I'm trying to get the creative juices flowing but most of the time feel so used up after working on other people's things. sigh It's nice to try new things and see if I can't squeeze some me time in. It's a new month. No time like the present to start, right?

I'm doing ok. I wake up, get out of bed, eat breakfast, drink coffee, make a to do list, complain, watch the news and yell at the tv, post on Steemit, complain about something else, go out somewhere, stare, drink more coffee, eat too much junk food, have dinner, watch tv, post on Steemit, then go to bed. Other than that, I'm so great I can hardly stand it.!!!

I'm so glad you are here again - for whatever purpose. Just nice to see your face and hear you say Hey Woman! Makes me smile.

Sounds like we need to get off the hamster wheel and change things up a bit! We're still a one car household so I'm pretty much home all the time until hubby has a day off. Anyway... I've got my coffee pot on standby and my To Do list is calling. BLAH.

We need to connect outside of Steemit just in case I fall off the blogging/vlogging platform. Do you have my email address? I want to make sure I stay connected with a bunch of people no matter what. You, John, @dreemit, and quite a few other people are on that list. XOXOX

No I don't have your email addy....DM it to me and I'll email you back. You always need a net....well so do I actually. :)

it's actually not a secret email. LOL
[email protected] is my public email but when you message me I'll send you my private one ;)


I'm going to save this email Mer , in case you disappear again. I feel I could cut and paste your day and your sentiment regarding seeing Mer on steemit again @countrygirl .

Got your email! 😊

ding ding ding!! Hey you have a new photo....I like it! You look tanned :) Florida woman.

That was great @merej99! I am centered now. I will be dipping my toe into dtube soon as well.

Oooh, how about an anniversary hot pepper eating challenge post. I think my esophagus has finally grown back. bwahahahaaaaa

I felt relaxed and ended up with a smile on my face. I see others were affected too. Wow!

That's a nice calming reminder. :) I used to consciously breath a lot more when I was younger and haven't been doing it enough lately! I need to keep working on reminding myself to consciously breathe more. :D Thanks for the pleasant reminder! Hope you've been doing well!

I have gotten away from appreciating the little things. It's kind of amazing how much conscious effort it takes to STOP and take a moment. I used to meditate for at least 30 minutes a day and that's gone too. BUT 30 seconds is just enough time to hit the reset button in my head. :)

You rock Mer.
I am currently in precontemplation mode about posting on dtube. It is in a queue with posting on eBay, starting a weekly community engaging post, starting a business, moving house, getting a day job (no I'm lying about that, I just felt like I should pretend I want to) .
Anyway, I love that you just get in there and do it. I suppose the fact that you are a web dev and I'm a nurse gives you an edge.
I enjoyed the tunes. Maybe I'll post a wacky video one day, I have a blooper reel that I have been collecting. We call it my funeral reel, I want a funny home video / Benny Hill style sped up to crazy music blooper reel at my funeral instead of those slide shows of emotive photos that make people cry.
Falling down a giant sand dune, out takes from over acting as an extra in a movie (totally Cut out of final movie, only my knees featured), chased by chickens screaming, belly flop into mud pit, misadventure milking a cow... I've got so much material.. Maybe we should enjoy it before I die, I don't have plans to go anytime soon.

YES! I want to see those outtakes. What a joy when we can laugh at ourselves especially while we're still alive. And I LOVE putting together those funeral reels. LOL I know that sounds crazy but I was a former obituarist and so I think about "weird" things like that.

I was just thinking about a ridiculously funny video idea and I want my friends to join in! Basically pasting together a compilation of everyone lip syncing Wannabe by the Spice Girls. LOL
Hubby and I are going to hit the dollar store and grab some boas, hats and props and spend a day recording on his day off.

Wanna play? Tee hee

I've missed you 😂 x

That was very relaxing dahling, though I think I need five minutes of it at least ;)
What's the temp in Florida right now? I just want to torture myself with that information as I look out onto more white stuff, haha.

You guys are getting walloped again, aren't you? But it's perfect for a fire, hot cocoa and snuggling under your favorite comforter. Sometimes I miss that but then...

It's a seasonal 78° F after nearly 2 weeks of mid to high 80° weather in Florida! I'm wearing long pants today. Sad Sad, right? HA!

Yup, walloped again :( This time of year I really miss living in the sunshine state. I remember when I would be in pants when it was 78, now if it was 78 I would be running around in my underwear, lol!

I know what you mean. We were those people when we first moved down here. :P
Hey! We're starting to plan for our trip to NY late spring or some time in summer. If I head up to Watertown to visit with relatives maybe we can meet in Syracuse?

I loved and enjoyed your post.
Keep your good works up.Great work @merej99.

Hopefully there will be a good mix of fun videos along with some short shorts.Thank you for stopping by @princepr

Can we be friends.Your most welcome @merej99.

I am happy to be your 209th Steemit friend :)
Just read your introduction too and you remind me of my boys. Ah, youth. :)
Looking forward to seeing your original photography and stories!

nice. congrats!