Broccoli Can Prevent This Deadly Disease

in #health7 years ago

For information, colon cancer is the most common cancer disease after lung cancer and prostate cancer worldwide. The problem is, although it can be cured, this cancer could just reappear in the future. For this reason it helps us to prevent colon cancer from getting better. One of them is to maximize broccoli.
In this study, it was mentioned that the broccoli extract was mixed with some sort of engineering from probiotics. The result is, this mixture can destroy more than 95 percent of colon cancer cells effectively. In fact, this mixture is also capable of killing 75 percent of tumor cells in rats conditioned to get colorectal cancer. Unfortunately, this mixture does not have the same positive effect when subjected to mice with stomach cancer or breast cancer.
In a study whose results were later published in the journal Nature Biomedical Engineering, it is mentioned that probiotic fluid and broccoli can be attached to colon cancer cells. Afterwards, the enzyme in the broccoli that is anti-cancer will kill the cancer cells as well as clean it.


I've gotta say, I'm scared of colon cancer. I'm eating a double portion of broccoli tonight.