Magnesium is available in large quantities in earth. Our bones contain 60 percent of all magnesium that is present in the body. Our blood also contains a small percentage of magnesium, which is useful nutrient to strengthen healthy bones and also helps in controlling blood pressure. It empowers various organs such as nerve in the body, heart, immune cells to function properly and also maintains good blood circulation.
Deficiency of magnesium can cause numerous diseases that involve high blood pressure, heart ailment, diabetes, severe pain in back side, etc. it is said that lack of magnesium can also trigger asthma, creating disturbance in the rhythm of heartbeats and cause panic attacks. Poor diet, intake of high amounts of alcohol, frequent vomiting, and prolong diarrhea can cause a shortage of magnesium in the body. The following symptoms specify that your body is lack of magnesium.
1. Involuntary contraction of muscles
If you are experiencing regular muscle pain or contraction, it may be the signal of magnesium shortage. Magnesium is an essential nutrient which our body needs to develop and renovate muscles. It hikes the amounts of calcium and potassium in the body so that our muscles can work properly. If you are suffering from muscles contraction on a regular basis, you should fix an immediate appointment with a physician to know the matter clearly. If you are experiencing muscles jerking or eye convulsive movement on a daily basis, then it can also be a symptom of magnesium shortage.
2. Recurrent throbbing headache or migraine
There are several reasons that trigger migraine including magnesium shortage in your body. If you are suffering from severe migraine, instead of ignoring it you should consult a doctor as it can be an inherent disease. In some cases it is seen that migraine is connected to magnesium deficiency. If it happens due to magnesium shortage, doctors can be able to treat migraines easily.
3. Improper heartbeat
If you experience improper rhythm in your heartbeat, it indicates a shortage of magnesium in your body. Magnesium is an essential nutrient that our heart needs to function well and our body requires having good flow of blood in the blood vessels. If you are experiencing these things on a regular basis, you definitely need to visit a doctor.
4. Nervousness or a feeling of worry and uneasiness
Some people experience nervousness and uneasiness on a regular basis. There can be several reasons that triggers nervousness and uneasiness and magnesium shortage can be one of them. You can feel calm and relaxed, if your body has adequate amounts of magnesium. Due to shortage of magnesium, you can become nervous and depressed. With the increment of magnesium level, your depression and uneasiness will be reduced.
5. A feeling of extreme tiredness and feebleness
A feeling of continuous weakness may indicate to magnesium deficiency in your body. It helps in converting glucose into energy, which your body requires for metabolism and to strengthen your body. Prolong magnesium shortage is not good for your body. You may feel severe tiredness and feebleness.
Consumption of magnesium
You always try to consume such diet which is rich in magnesium as it helps in increasing magnesium levels in the body. There are various foods that offer you magnesium. These are bananas, beans, avocado, almonds, seeds of pumpkin, cashews, potatoes, yogurt and milk. Magnesium supplements can also be taken to reduce magnesium shortage, but you must visit a doctor before opt for this option.
This is great information. When you talk about muscle contractions are you referring to things like cramps? I knew a lot about iron deficiency but not magnesium.
Magnesium shortage can also cause it.
hey great post :D
soy tu tio
Thank you
sometimes the same thing happens to me is there any idea what i can do about it
Good info. many people don't realize the consequences of deficiencies in general. I must warn people that another sign of a possible magnesium deficiency is having brain zaps, a phenomenon that usually occurs before sleep and described as an electrical surge going throughtout your body and mind
Really interesting. I don't get these things so much but my mum does all the time, so I might mention it to her. Upvoted :)
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Very informative and detailed article. This kind of posts are helpful for those who are endeavoring to live healthier.