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RE: Why Are We Still Using Facebook?

in #health7 years ago

This is the primary purpose of this account on the blockchain, to report my experiences of the american secret police/police state in a forum where it can't be erased in case I get erased. That this platform is capable of this is far from determined.

These agencies will find any functioning social entity(ie a blockchain, a festival, an activist organisation) and they have unlimited resources to infiltrate it and steer it in any direction they want.

Yours is the first actual empathetic reaction to what I am talking about, the rest of the responses to my concerns about TCR are meaningless distractions, this is the best indication I could provide to the public to avoid this organization.

People who sign up to be undercover police would not do so if they undertood what anarchy was or the current phase of history, in which the only role they can really play are stooges for global elites and their supercomputers.

As stated, there was a national entrapment hunt for human traffickers at wal mart parking lots all across the united states, but not a single investigation of St. James Island.

After it became obvious to me what was going on, I got angry about it and decided to use what I have learned to test other organizations to see if they might be cops too.

And TCR is cops.