Due to many diseases, 10 minutes of sun greetings, know what are the benefits

in #health7 years ago

Surya Namaskar has a good effect on almost all organs of the body. There are many benefits of Surya Namaskar If you start your routine from this, you can enjoy a lot of life while keeping distance from various diseases. Surya Namaskar is enough to do 5 to 10 minutes. To be done in front of the sun, the better the better. If the Surya Namaskar is done from five to twelve times daily, then there is no need to perform any other asana.

Learn how to do Surya Namaskar
Stand up and join the edges. Keep the claws open. Keep both hands straight with thighs. Then, make the posture of greeting. The elbows with the body, the palms on the diaphragm under the thighs and the thumb heart. Meditation is on the mandatory cycle (between the two eyebrows).
Take both hands above the head and breathe and tune them. The arms are facing the ears, the palms facing towards the front. Now take your hands behind the neck in such a way that the arms should remain attached with the ears. Wait a while for this situation. Meditation is on the vishuddhi chakra (throat).
Leaning the hands back, slowly leaning forward while leaving the breath. Move hands right-handed. Put the palms together with the earth, but keep the knees perfectly. Put the knee to the head. Meditation is on the Manipura Chakra (Navel).

Breathe the right foot backward. The knee is absolutely straightforward and above the ground. Put the knee of the left foot with the chest, that the toes from the toes to the knee stay at 90 degrees. Meditation is on the Swadhishthana chakra (parchu).
Take the left leg backwards too. Let the ankles of both feet get attached to the ground and lift the waist. Keep the head downwards, place the chin in the throat and stay in it for a moment. Attention is on Sahastra Chakra (Peak).
Bring the body parallel to the earth. The full pressure is on the toes and palms. Now let the knees and forehead be grounded. Stand up and down the elbows a few inches above the ground. Wait a few moments in this stage. Meditation is on Anahata Chakra (heart).
Sliding the body a little further, bend the breath straight up and move the neck towards the back. Keep the claws together and the edges are upwards. Tilt the waist down.
Raising the body back upwards and let the anteroom bundle from the ground. The head is downwards and the waist portion is upwards (i.e., like the fifth position). Wait as long as possible in this situation
Like the fourth position, bring the right foot forward between the two hands while breathing. Neck behind, waist down Stop being in this situation.
Like the third position, move the left leg forward while leaving breath. Attach knee straight, palms on the ground and forehead knee. Stay awake

Like the second situation, take a breath while moving hands upwards. Neck too backwards Stay awake
Come back to the first position. Salutation of money Keep hands down.
What are its benefits
Increasing the emission of carbon dioxide during sun salutation increases the total health, energy and power.
The amount of water in the body is balanced and the unnecessary elements get out faster.
The process of blood purification is faster and obesity decreases rapidly.
All glands are controlled by the hormone secretion. Sytika pulse comes in a comfortable position.
Hunger feels good and memory power grows.
Head hair is healthy and strong.
The aura of the face increases.
Surya Namaskar is considered to be the best at sunrise. Slowly do this posture. Only those people should do Surya Namaskar fast, who want to reduce obesity. Only after the breathing becomes comfortable at the end of each stage, move towards the next stage. Do not do this posture on soft and more padded matt or bed so that vertebrates of the spine are safe. Surya Namaskar is prohibited for patients with slip disks and high blood pressure.

