Looks like the guy needs a new stylist as well, you could mistake him for a parachute...
I know, I'm not funny on screen.
Hey, not sure if you would look into alternative medical thingies...I've been studying German New Medicine (yeah, if you look it up, the doctor that came up with it was discredited and called a quack. Just like everyone else who actually managed to help people outside of big pharma). And in the first two years, I actually had the honor (well, it was sad really) to do a few case studies and it turned out that everything just fell into place. Basically, what German New Medicine tells us is that all illnesses are related to something we went through in life and when the symptoms come out, it's usually because we're in the healing phase and the 'conflict' is resolved. This is then misinterpreted in the modern medicine and treatment given (with some illnesses) which usually makes things worse. Just wondering, are you left or right handed?
Lol. You make me laugh my dear!!! ❤️
I am right handed. Why do you ask?
Yeah I’m totally down to try alternative treatments. I think there are some where it’s totally a valid option...some, not so much. But I’m definitely open to hearing more. I know I need to stretch more as I do next to none of that. Lol
Glad to make at least someone laugh these days! 😂
Well, the reason why I asked if you were right or left handed, was because in German New medicine, usually when it's a right-handed person, the 'conflict', a problem on the left side usually means 'some' issue with either the mother or a child of this person. The right side, would mean either the partner or anyone else. In the case of lower back-pain, the conflict is a feeling of lack of support.
From what you told us in your article, you felt the lack of support from your ex, but in your case, it would be lack of support from your mother or a child. However, sometimes a person can be a 'lefty' even when he writes with the right hand. So, in your case, it is very likely that it's a lack of support from your ex-wife. The pain means you're healing from it. Which is also quite clear to me, because you're talking about it.
Here's a link that could be interesting.
So that pain is actually a good thing :) In my experience, once I realize where the conflict came from, I don't have to do anything more, and the issue will disappear. I've had it with a crazy skin infection (and in my face! 😨) to which the doctor told me that only antibiotics would help. I asked my teacher about it instead, and when I realized where this came from, the issue (in my face! https://learninggnm.com/SBS/documents/de-leon.html) I had been dealing with for weeks, completely disappeared within days. Antibiotics my ass... https://learninggnm.com/SBS/documents/de-leon.html
Funny enough, since yesterday, I also have the joy to be dealing with lower back pain, but more in the middle. So: I feel your pain! Quite literally LOL 😂
Interesting. I was going to say that I’m having issues with mom currently...but not in that way. She’s suffering from dementia and Parkinson’s. Double whammy. Shit situation.
I’ll delve into the links you posted in the am. Fir now...it’s tryin to catch some of those ever elusive zzzzzzzzz’s. ❤️
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