Thank you for the extensive explanation about this, I truly appreciate it @theaustrianguy. Just a few more things, I thought I remembered from a conversation that we had some time ago, that you told me you were in your second year? Am I right about that? I also remember you telling me that (both?) your parent(s) were or are doctors? Would you be able to tell me in which field and at this time, do you have any idea if or in what field you will specialize (where are your interests?). Also, when during your studies, do you include your own independent research? Are there certain websites that are preferred for this/or any research? Which would be recommended and which not?
And one last question, this is not so much about the above as it is about a personal experience I had some time ago. It is more your opinion I ask for rather than anything else.
My daughter ended up in the hospital years back because she had difficulty breathing after a visit to the swimming pool. They couldn't tell us exactly why this was, probably a combination of a bad cold/high content chlorine in the water (there was no chest infection or anything). After one night in hospital, she was a lot better and they sent us home with prescriptions. 3 in total. One was steroids (which I thought was strange, since there was no inflammation/infection, but hey, I'm not a doctor) and I am not quite sure about the others. When I handed the prescription to the pharmacist, she read it and asked me how old the child was (1.5 at the time). When I told her, she rushed to her boss and they both had a very worried and confused look on their faces. She then came back and told me she had to call the doctor in the hospital because the dosage was for children above the age of 6 and never for one younger than that. After the phone call she prepared the medication and handed it to me, I still saw a very worried look on her face. She told me the doctor had told her that they prescribe this to anyone as a standard....Now, in this case: Who would YOU trust. The pharmacist, who's studies mostly the medications in his years, or the doctor, who obviously had years of studying to do, but to a lesser extend the medication part of it... I am looking forward to your answer. I am sorry to take so much of your time, I know you're busy.