Yes, I was pretty fried. Had been going at this for about 6 weeks. And I ain't the spring chicken I once was. Now I'm a big old chicken! Indeed, I can see you've retained the capacity for focus. A nice gift to have.
Our family is particularly sensitive to all chemicals and toxins. My sister was actually a near-bubble person. Was extremely sensitive. This alarms me when I consider the grandkids. I myself am actually very ill from toxins. I think I shared this. Such a pain.
Oh, and my son got a tetnus shot as a 15 year old. Literally the next day he developed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. No kidding.
Many blessings.
I think our body has the ability to clean up toxins once it isn't being bombed 24/7....I think the gut is the key to healing our immune system along with understanding epigenetics. I will be exploring both when my writing and research skills improve. Both are complicated subjects and very new to modern science.
Never give up and I hope all of us can find health together.