Ever seen one of these infographics?
It is easy to look at an infographic like this one and come to the conclusion:
YES! I am going to eat whatever I want because I can simply burn it off later!
Well, in my other article I talked about the fallacy of Calorie Counting and why it is full of errors and inaccuracies.
Well, so it should be to no one's surprise, that calculating how many calories you are burning off through exercise is just as problematic!

Those fancy wearable calorie tracking devices?
They are on average OFF by between 9 to 30% in calculating your calories burned.
How much sleep are you getting?
Study has shown that sleep deprivation causes you to burn 5 - 20% LESS calories in a day.
What you eat matters
Your body burns more energy digesting protein (between 20 to 30% of the calorie content), compared to carbs (5 - 10%), or fats (0 - 3%)
Putting it all together
Now we know there are so many other factors that can affect calorie burn, that is why the standard formula simply doesn't work on an individual basis.
That is why we have to learn to commit to consistent daily movement, and also learn to understand the ball-park portion sizes of each marconutrients that we are consuming daily.
Once we have established a routine, then we can start making small adjustments based on the results that we are seeing. It is the only way to be "scientific" with your approach.
If you’re looking for guidance, I am now accepting clients into my online body transformation coaching program.
You can reach out to me here: https://www.mjctraining.com
Follow me on steemit: @mjctraining
This is an interesting article and advice, many thanks!