Benefits of Sunflower Seeds (해바라기 씨앗의 장점)

in #health8 years ago (edited)

Content of Sunflower Seeds and Benefits
Sunflower seeds are a gift to our health. These are gray-green or black-gray seeds that are the result of sunflowers. In Indonesia sunflower seeds are often processed into snack foods such as sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds are an excellent food for nutritional adequacy and we often regard it as a healthy snack. Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of polyunsaturated oils and which makes sunflower seeds a great food for heart health. But other than that sunflower seeds are a great source of other valuable nutrients as well.

The content of sunflower seeds

Almost 90% of the fat in sunflower seeds is good fats, unsaturated fats. Sunflower  seeds also contain monosaturated fats that help lower total cholesterol  and LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) while increasing HDL cholesterol  (good cholesterol). In addition, sunflower seeds contain Vitamin E and Vitamin B 1 (Thiamin). Manganese, magnesium, copper, selenium, phosphorus, vitamin B 3  (Niacin), vitamin B5 (Pantothenic) and folate can also be found in good  amounts in sunflower seeds.

Benefits Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are very rich in valuable nutrients, it is not surprising that seeds have a big positive impact on our health.

• Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of vitamin E. As we know Vitamin E is an antioxidant. Vitamin E fights free radicals and keeps cells from damage including brain cells. Vitamin E prevents heart disease. Antioxidants in Vitamin E fight free radicals and prevent them from oxidizing cholesterol. This makes the heart condition healthy and reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke and blockage of blood vessels.

Anti-inflammatory Vitamin E reduces the chances of asthma, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Vitamin E also reduces the risk of any disease or condition related to inflammation. In addition Vitamin E also helps in reducing the risk of colon cancer.

• Sunflower seeds contain large amounts of folate. Folate is an essential nutrient for our health. This is Vitamin B plays an important role in the production of new body cells by helping to form DNA and RNA. Folate and Vitamin B 12 help to form hemoglobin in red blood cells. Folate also helps in lowering the risk of heart disease. Sunflower seeds also contain zinc which is useful to keep our immune system strong.

• Sunflower seeds also contain a good amount of magnesium. Magnesium helps prevent asthma, lowers high blood pressure, and prevents migraine headaches. It blocks the calcium to enter the nerve cells and blood vessels. By blocking calcium, preventing muscle spasms and sudden nervous contractions.

• Dietary fiber in sunflower seeds controls cholesterol and blood glucose levels and also improves good digestion. Sunflower seeds contain Tryptophan - an amino acid that helps to produce serotonin.

• Selenium is a mineral that plays an important role in overall health. It helps to repair the DNA, reducing the development of cancer cells. Selenium works with Vitamin E and helps prevent heart disease as well. Sunflower seeds are rich in selenium and this is another reason why sunflower seeds are so good for our health.

Sunflower seeds are very good for our health and should be included in the menu of our dietary regime. But the most important thing is the balance in the food menu.



1. Heart Health:
-As a source of vitamin E.
-Function Vit.E - is very important in the prevention of cardiovascular disease with its role against free radical compounds. Consuming ¼ cup will be obtained 90% daily value of the need for vitamin E.
2. Anti Inflammation:
-Vit.E - Neutralizes free radicals, thus protecting the destruction of cellular and molecular components. With this role, vitamin E has significant  Anti - inflammatory which reduces  symptoms in asthma, asteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.
3. Prevent cancer:
- Good selenium source. Selenium serves to promote DNA repair, repair damaged cells, and inhibit cancer cell profileration. Consuming ¼ cup can provide more than 30% of daily value for selenium.
-Reduce the risk of colon cancer, bladder cancer and prostate cancer.
4. Bone health.
- Rich in magnesium for collagen and elastin functions that provide strength and flexibility in bones and joints.
-Vit. E. is effective in the reduction of arthritis symptoms.
5. Skin protection.
-Vit.E - cell deterrent from vandalism.
- Protects skin from Ultra Violet (UV) radiation. 


beautiful sunflower<3 i'm a flower photographer too <3

Waw. . . You took a very good theme @cainplant

thanks moectarcasanova <3

I get these in snacks i buy sometimes but i think i might try to grow a sunflower or two in my garden as its south facing:)