Cancer cell growth halted with cold and flu drug!!!!!

in #health7 years ago (edited)

The saying goes that "Feed a cold, starve a fever,". a new study of the result suggests that "treat a cold, starve cancer cells" might be a more appropriate motto.

illustration of a cancer cell

recently researchers found that a medication used to cold called N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) could also help to obstruct the growth of cancer cells by depriving them of proteins that are important for their survival.

Recently Prof. Federica Sotgia and colleagues reported their findings in the journal Seminars in Oncology about this matter.

One of the biggest health challenges of our time is Cancer. More than 1.6 million new cancer cases were diagnosed last year in the United States.

Recent years we have come over a long way in terms of cancer treatment. We can see that the reflection in death rates from the disease which fell by 13 percent between 2004 and 2013. Every year, cancer is taking the lives of more than half a million people in the U.S. Prof. Sotgia and colleagues hope that their new research will help to bring us closer to such treatments.


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