It's been an incredibly hectic week, but I'm happy to say that my Dietbet is over and I met my weight loss goal!
My initial bet was $35, so I got that back, plus I split the pot with the other winners (minus Dietbet's fee). That earned me a whopping $6.34. I must say I'm a little disappointed with the payout, but to get paid $6 to lose 8 pounds in a month is a pretty good deal. Overall, I enjoyed the experience. Enough so that I just signed up for a new Dietbet that's 6 months long. I have to lose 10% of my body weight, with specific goals to hit each month. The first month is 6 pounds, so I'm continuing to limit added sugars and unhealthy, processed foods (for the most part).
Last Saturday @donvee and I took our nephew out for ice cream and to a local comic book store for Free Comic Book Day, which I learned about from @blewitt. I think I exhibited the most self control in my life by not ordering any of the ice cream. I went home and had some almonds instead. I can't wait until the weekend so I can check out some of the comic books I picked up.
My nephew wasn't very interested in the free comics, or the ones on sale, so I ended up buying a few Adventure Time comics, among some others for him. He's in Jamaica this week, so I thought he'd have something fun to read on the plane.