Hidden benefits of almonds

in #health7 years ago

Nobody can refuse the benefits of almonds . On the other hand, people are curious about how to eat them or have their proper diet procedure. Every other person asks him about eating properly. They should be dried or eat after dinner, such questions come in our hearts. Usually, there is a yellow membrane around the almond that is called Tannon, despite this you can not get the full advantage of almonds.You can not get a lot of benefits unless you remove this membrane. If you wake up the almonds in the water all night, their characteristics increase further, instead of waking up the almonds, we may go away and eat food. Large almonds have good enzymes, which are called lipase, which help digestive food. Also, it is very important to reduce wasted almonds. This dry fruit is very nutritious, therefore it is also beneficial to eradicate hunger. Almonds used to have anti-oxidants that make skin skin shine. Almonds include folic acid and vitamins B. 17 that help fight against cancer. Almonds are also very beneficial for pregnant women because they help in child development.

There are more benefits of eating almonds here.
Speed ​​up the mind
If your child forgets things very quickly and can not remember completely, then the best treatment of this problem is almond food. Dry fruits help children grow. Almonds are also very important for those who work very much daily as lawyers and students. At least 7 wiggled almonds should eat daily with a glass of semi-hot milk empty stomach.

Benefits for skin
As you know Almond Vitamin E is rich, which is very beneficial for health and skin. Vitamin E is used for the treatment of aging ages. Also Vitamin E is used in many make-up items because it makes the skin beautiful and shiny.

Strong bones
Our bones are formed with phosphorus and calcium, if they decrease, the bone is weak and the risk of breaking it. Almonds contain anti-oxidants and phosphorus and they are the best way to obtain phosphorus, so it removes the deficiency of phosphorus from the bones.

For occupation
It naturally treats the problem of merchandise, high quantity fibers and ribbillone occupied . It improves your stomach and makes it soft. Therefore, use