New research says that ginger is very effective in killing ovarian cancer in women

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Ovarian cancer is 5th most lethal cancer in women and is very difficult to treat. In 2016, more than 20,000 cases were identified in USA and it claimed 15,000 lives. It has very few symptoms, so its diagnosis is very late and its treatment is very difficult at that stage.

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However we have a good news. According to new research, ginger is very effective in killing ovarian cancer. It has also shown positive results in reversing breast, colon and lung cancers. This is really very important breakthrough.

Research done at Iran University of Medical Science, the ginger extract kills the ovarian cancer during period of three days. It is so effective that by the end of third day, the growth of cancer cells becomes half. Different levels of ginger extract were tested on cancer cells and surprisingly, largest dose of 80mcg/ml proved very effective.

The researchers concluded that ginger extract activates a process of p53 expression which is basically tumor suppressor protein. The cells which were exposed to p53 protein, showed expression seven times higher than normal untreated cells.

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There is pungent compound known as 6-shogaol in ginger which is up to 10,000 times more effective than chemotherapy in killing cancer cells of breast cancer.

Ginger is found in USA, England, India, Asia, Japan, China and Greece and is frequently used in teas, beers, cookies and breads. It has very long history of treating inflammation and enhancing digestion.

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Would you please supply further references? Nowhere in your one reference does it mention ovarian cancer at all...

The experiment was done in vitro so in a pitri dish. The results do not apply to real-life yet. Everything kills cancer cells in-vitro... cyanide, salt, a bullter. But you don't use them to treat cancer medically.

It's important to note this in your article otherwise people get the impression there's a cure for cancer when really there isn't. Just another chemical that works in a pitri dish :/

Ginger is the mother of health... Good post sharing bro

Ginger is credited with many beneficial properties

Yes! Ginger is an amazing substance, and good for so many things.