mystery jar aka Golden Seal

in #health6 years ago

I saw a post about Golden Seal and it reminded me about the jar of it that I have had in the refrigerator since sometime in the early 80's when my Aunt passed away, she had it in her refrigerator and I took it home and put it in mine, I have never opened it and have no clue as why I keep it. My kids called it the mystery jar. I remember in the 60's my Dad taking Golden Seal. He would buy empty clear capsules and I would help him fill them with Golden Seal. I doubt it is any good to use but I just can't bring it on myself to throw it away. I often wonder which of my kids will inherit the jar and if they will keep it and pass it on to one of their children, or if it will go out with the trash. IMG_20181205_103801.jpg


Pardon my ignorance but what is Golden Seal?

@petertheo I copied this from a post about it, Known by many other names (yellow pucoon, golden root…) goldenseal root has long been a favored medicine of North America. It has been used for countless generations by many indigenous people for a wide variety of conditions. Goldenseal has been primarily known for its antibiotic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and anti cancer activities. Scientific studies have linked these effects to the presence of berberine and hyrdrastine.

Goldenseal has been used externally as an antiseptic wound cleaner, mouthwash, eyewash and to treat a variety of skin ailments including eczema and poison ivy. Internally, it has been used primarily to treat infections of mucus membranes; sinuses, respiratory tract, throat, mouth and urinary tract. Goldenseal is considered a bitter tonic, and therefore stimulates the flow of bile and has been used for digestive upsets, ulcers, diarrhea, and colitis.

I love "the mystery jar!" I can see it is an old jar with an old lid. It could hang around the family for several generations yet.

Yes @scribblingramma, my hope is for it to stay.