The appeal of people drinking coffee in the morning is beneficial. In addition to making the eye literate, also provide energy supply and encourage metabolism.
Many people drink coffee in the morning as a ritual to start the day. Many studies mention the health benefits of coffee but not a few who call coffee can trigger cancer and heart disease.
But according to nutritionist, Sarah Flowers, as reported by independent (9/4) drinking coffee can help to lose weight. Sarah suggested to drink coffee, shortly after waking up. This is because coffee can stimulate the body's metabolism.
'The coffee you drink everyday can help raise your metabolic rate by stimulating thermogenesis that helps burn fat it says.
Unless it plays a role in increasing metabolism, coffee also contains Chlorogenic acid which can slow down carbohydrate absorption and break down fat. However, this does not mean drinking a lot of coffee in the morning can immediately cut the weight. Sarah Flowers recommends drinking 1-2 cups of coffee in the morning to achieve maximum metabolism.
Coffee can also lower appetite but not a substitute for food. 'Coffee can stimulate the heat and energy of the body that reduce appetite and temporarily can reduce the desire to eat.
Meanwhile, according to research published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, which examines the eating habits of more than 93,000 people, found those who drank coffee had a smaller risk of natural obesity and type 2 diabetes. Compared to those who did not drink coffee at all.
To remember, the coffee here is black coffee without sugar and milk. Not frappuccino and similar coffee drinks. If you want to add a little milk can be. But if too much milk, cream and sugar will actually trigger other diseases.