So here we go with some more about Yoga;
Yoga & Meditation helps you to build up on your concentration skills and also in turn helps you to be more productive in any task that you would do. Yoga is a very versatile practice in terms of postures and exercises. Yoga is a fun way to increase your body’s flexibility, Stamina and mobility. Yoga, without putting any huge stress on the body, is also able to push the limits bit by bit, besides gradually increasing flexibility.
Pranayama (Breathing) is an essential part of our system, with many other systems in our body also being dependent on it. Yet, we are mostly unaware of the power of our breathing. Plus, neither gym classes nor cardio exercises have any consideration for our breathing beyond the structure of the exercise, whereas yoga helps us to really discover our breathing pattern and thereby develop our breathing in a way that is best for our body.
When you are in a relaxed state of mind your breathing gets regular deep and calm which also helps in a good circulation of blood flow in the body which in turn will avoid many diseases that a body can face. Physical postures of Yoga are used to alleviate health problems, reduce stress, and make the spine supple in contemporary times.
click here!This post received a 4.2% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @nainaztengra! For more information,
Might want to add in more tags,will reach wider audienceHi @nainaztengra. You are flexible 💪😎
Many thanks Amresh for your valuable inputs. Have done the same. Cheers !!
happy friendshipSir, please vote for us. We are very grateful to this. You continue to have success in the same way. @ahlawat
I never try yoga but i am so much curious about it.
U should make yoga your daily routine of life.
If you do long breath for 2 min ,you will see increase in strength that makes yoga so powerful.
Thats extremely important for Yoga.
@cheetah @steemcleaners
Plagiarism from different articles
"Plus, neither gym classes nor cardio exercises have any consideration for our breathing beyond the structure of the exercise, whereas yoga helps us to really discover our breathing pattern and thereby develop our breathing in a way that is best for our body."
"Physical postures of Yoga are used to alleviate health problems, reduce stress, and make the spine supple in contemporary times"
As far as I can tell the largest part is actually from here-
and the author from that one has the same name as this author so I tempted to believe it is legit.
Or the blog is plagiarism too.
Or that it is identity theft.
What brought my attention is that this user spammed people in Steemit chat by sending PMs with links of the post
Oh it definitely could be, but with only a few hours left for payout and the fact that the other site did have her name on the article figured better to be safe and let it go. The other article seemed more cut and dry that it had info taken from somewhere else.
I asked (her?) to add hyperlink to Steemit on other blog and provide quotes and sources if the content was taken from somewhere else.
My dear, if you have any problem with me, please do let me know. I can very well exit from steemit.
In my previous post wherever I have taken the content I have mentioned the source, even for the pictures.
I am into my light work and honestly I feel that its OK to not write then to drain out my energy on such issues. Yes you may find a line or 2 references but that does not mean that i have copied my work from someone. The topics I write on is mostly on healing and there are no stories written in that. There are certain things that stays as facts in one blog or 10 blogs or 1 website or 10 websites
And yes if you are the core steemit member looking after the payouts I sincerely request you to not make any payment to me on my blogs, since my aim is to only spread awareness of healthy living and nothing else.
Any my sincere request to you, even if you are in a authoritarian position please do not disrespect people.
I could not take the action of putting the hyperlink immediately since we had a death in the family and i was not in a frame of mind to do it.
The whole plagiarisied paragraphs (copied and pasted) are provided above, altogether with the sources. Same in the other article about Energy Vampires. All it takes is to edit your article to clearly point out they are quotes and add the link to source article. As I explained in details how to do it in PM in Steemit Chat.
No one is asking you to leave Steemit. All you need to do is to write your article correctly.
If you expect rewards for your posts, then you should write your articles accordingly with respect towards intellectual property (quotations and sources from where you copied the sentences).
Also, as soon as you confirm that you are Nainaz Tengra in your other blog, the better.
It has been an only one flag so far so your reputation will not go down unless you post more dubious content and get more flags.
Thank you very much. Yes I write blogs on Speaking Tree and this is my same blog. I dont understand why people get so nasty even without thoroughly checking. I dont keep any false identity on any forums hence atleast from my name one should realise
Please add hyperlink to Steemit there to confirm that you are the same person as on other blog.