Hello stemians!
Today I will like continue from where I stopped on "WATER THERAPY" , and some of it's benefits.
Since about 70% of body fluid is made of water, it is then obvious that drinking much water help to maintain the body's fluid balance. Drinking water should be our habits if we must live healthy, and keep our skin smooth our bones and joints strong even while aging.
However, alot of people only drink water when they are thirsty or after meal, no this shouldn't be so. Like I said in my earlier post, the best time to drink more water is when we wake up early in the morning , and continue drinking subsequently throughout the day
Other benefits of water include but not limited to :
Balancing our body fluid, maintaining the body fluid balance helps in nutrient transportation to different parts of the body. It helps in food digestion as well as helps in regulating the body temperature.
Shading off some weights : alot of studies have shown that drinking enough water can help in shedding off some calories, this is because as we all know, water will make us feel full and as a result will make us limit our food intake.
In exercise, drinking enough water helps us exercise better by fueling our muscles, therefore drinking water is recommended before and after execise as it will boost energy and reduce cramp.
Dehydration has been said to be the cause of most headache, drinking enough water can reduce or prevent dehydration thereby preventing and curing headache and fatigue.
Drinking enough water keeps our skin fresh and smooth, it Gives us a more youthful look by preventing dry skin.
- Finally for this post, drinking enough water makes us happier. This is because according to studies, water helps the flow of hormones round the body and releases endorphins (a feel good hormone) drinking enough water doesn't just make us feel happier but makes us feel better and look better.
I wish to stop here for today, you may wish to follow me for more posts on water Therapy , food and health related posts. .
I love water so much, I drink as much as 9litres per day! Maybe that's why I'm skinny since you say it helps to shed weight? Lol
Lol! It might be a contributing factor somehow, this is because when you drink much water you may become full and not willing to eat as much food as you should have.
Lol. Interesting
Trully water is most estential need of man, i doubt if one can do without it because ir dosent hv substitute. I think if these free gift of nature from God is in the hand of man, it is of greatest value with cheapest cost price. Thank God for these. Water is life...
Yea! According to studies, man can survive without food for a long time, but rarely survives without water for 20days, he will get dehydrated and some cells malfunctioning then eventually dies.
Make mine fluoride free. Thanks for sharing!
You are welcome