Foods that Cause Your Skin to Wrinkle

in #health7 years ago


One day when you wake up, you look in the mirror and there is a line you have not seen before. What? nooo!

The skin consists of two proteins; collagen and elastin. These proteins work to keep the skin smooth and wrinkle free. Keeping these proteins healthy is something that will make your skin look great .

The first factor that causes skin wrinkles is the sun. Collagen breaks down structural fibers under the skin. When collagen is damaged, it weakens the skin and causes it to sag. Combine the sun damage with the natural weakening of the skin that comes with aging, and wrinkles are inevitable.

Another criminal of wrinkles is the end product of advanced glycation or AGEs. Advanced glycation end products (AGE) are risk molecules for the cell aging process. AGEs accumulate in body cells and tissues and cross-link with other protein and lipid molecules, leading to inactivation and dysfunction of these structures.

What foods do we have to stay away from?



Sugar increases the formation of AGEs that damage collagen. Collagen fibers must stay together to help protect the skin structure. Sugar damages the connection between the collagen fibers, which is further exacerbated by exposure to sunlight. If more collagen is destroyed, the skin will wrinkle more.

Reduce sugar intake to prevent wrinkles. High-sugar foods such as sugar, cake or ice cream are occasionally eaten only occasionally, not as part of the diet.



After digestion, carbohydrates are divided into pure sugars, which are known to cause AGEs. But not all carbohydrates are produced equally. Fruits and veggies are carbohydrates, and many of them have excellent nourishing properties that can actually prevent wrinkles. Thus, avoiding carbohydrates altogether to avoid wrinkles would be detrimental to your skin's health.

Instead, avoid carbohydrates that are very refined and processed, have little nutritional benefits, and can destroy the skin. Ideally, limit the sources of concentrated carbohydrates such as cakes, breakfast cereals, white bread, cookies, pastries, and cakes to help prevent wrinkles.



It damages the skin, causing dry, matte appearance and wrinkles. Avoid using margarine and choose real butter in small quantities.

Dairy products


Dairy products, along with providing calcium, a critical mineral for bone health and muscle function, tend to increase inflammation and cause oxidative stress, one of the causes of premature aging. Milk is also high in milk sugar, which is called lactose, which can increase the formation of AGEs and cause collagen damage.

Instead, try to get calcium from other sources such as green leafy vegetables or milk alternatives.

Red meat


Red meat can cause wrinkles, but only if it is charred. When the meat is burned, it forms inflammatory hydrocarbons, which increase the inflammation, damaging the majority of the body's organs, including the skin. In addition, sausage, bacon or processed meats such as delicatessen meat, sodium and other preservatives may increase the inflammation that destroys the skin.



Alcohol is poisonous and dehydrated. It increases inflammation and accelerates aging. In addition, dehydrating skin may appear unpleasant and dry. Alcohol also deprives your body of critical nutrients needed to protect healthy skin, hair and nails.

Eat for Smooth Skin


For smooth, youthful skins, you can also choose foods that are listed above, or you can choose foods that support healthy skin, as well as your precaution. The best way to do this is to increase the purchase of fruits and vegetables.

Choose fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C (strawberry, citrus, pepper) and vitamin A (carrot, sweet potato). These antioxidants help keep your skin healthy and give the collagen and elasticity to the nutrients they need to prevent wrinkles. Limit the sugar and start eating more colorful fruits and vegetables, and start stepping deep into the beautiful skin without wrinkles !

Keyword: "Precaution"


t is really hard to get rid of wrinkles once they appear, for this reason the measure is key word. A healthy lifestyle helps your skin look great . Along with all the foods, regular exercise can also be influenced by sleep and stress management.

Use sunscreen regularly and consume beneficial foods for your health and well-being that will benefit your skin . Abundant amounts of fruits and vegetables that help reduce the damage caused by free radicals. Lean protein and healthy fats also help. Eating the right foods will not only help your health, but also protect your skin from wrinkles and make you look young forever.

To everyone,


long life

İ wish. :)