Obesity is absolutely a choice for most people.
I’m originally from Canada. There’s a lot of obese people there.
I then moved to Australia, only to see a lot of obese people again.
Having travelled to Nepal for 5 weeks, an obese person stuck out like a sore thumb.
You actually felt sorry for them because I believe it wasn’t their choice actually.
Then I went to China. Hardly any obese people.
Notice how I’m using the word obese instead of the ‘f’ word.
I don’t want to get shot.
Now living in Indonesia for over a year, it’s mostly the tourists that are obese and once in a while you’ll see an obese Indonesian, which is strange to see.
I’ve been to Singapore and Malaysia.
In Singapore people aren’t that obese, but Malaysia being more developed than Bali Indonesia, I found a lot more obese people in Malaysia.
So when people back in Canada use the crutch of it’s a disease or it’s not my fault.
I just roll my eyes and think, are you sure it’s not your shopping cart full of junk?