The Indian government has said it is not thinking of a lockdown right now. However, Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray has said that a lockdown could be imposed in the state soon if this continues. In the last 24 hours, 69,129 people have been newly infected in India. A total of one crore 23 lakh 92 thousand 260 people have been affected in India. On September 17 last year, there were 96,000 daily infections in India. From then on it started to decrease. At least at one time the daily infection dropped below 10,000. But a second wave of corona in the last few weeks has brought the infection back to this stage. Maharashtra accounts for more than half of the daily infections in India. In the last 24 hours, 48,913 people have been infected there. Last year was not so miserable.
The highest daily infection in India after seven months
The situation in India is getting worse and worse due to the coronavirus infection. As the daily infection peaked in September last year, this time the situation is similar in India. The central government and various state administrations are worried about this. For this, night curfew has been imposed in several states.
Yay! 🤗
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