I have heard that it is really good for super charging immunity. I have sick family members who struggle with health conditions that have removed them from the workforce. I really want to avoid being in a similar situation for myself especially since they depend on me for help.
It's certainly not to be taken lightly. This "cold" I referenced has gone nuclear and I suspect it's a bad herxheimer reaction. She's been bed ridden, immobile and unable to drink water. Trying to hydrate with sachets! It's bad.
I have heard that it is really good for super charging immunity. I have sick family members who struggle with health conditions that have removed them from the workforce. I really want to avoid being in a similar situation for myself especially since they depend on me for help.
It's certainly not to be taken lightly. This "cold" I referenced has gone nuclear and I suspect it's a bad herxheimer reaction. She's been bed ridden, immobile and unable to drink water. Trying to hydrate with sachets! It's bad.