Perfect skin has become the thinking woman’s quest. It’s normal today for people in certain circles to brag about spending most of their paycheck on serums. The latest skincare trends have a reassuring scientific cast: peptides, acids, solutions, and other things with clinical suffixes that are typically sold in small quantities for large amounts of money.
But all of this is a scam. It has to be. Perfect skin is unattainable because it doesn’t exist
And most skincare is really just a waste of money
These are some prime quotes from the article "The skincare con" by Krithika Varagur
The article tells a sorry tale of fortunes spent, skin ruined, and never-ending scientific wonder treatments guaranteed to give you perfect skin. Like the article says, most skin care is really just a waste of money and perfect skin is unobtainable - that is why models without makeup have shitty skin and in print even slathered with makeup have lots of photoshop applied. They are but clotheshorses to hang dermatological dreams on.
Interesting article. I'd have to agree with you that the whole beauty industry is a con trying to make money by making women feel insecure.
My wife doesn't believe in using anything except moisturizing cream and a concoction of essential oils that she mixes up herself.
I don't know if she is on to something or if the placebo effect is strong in that one but her skin does look amazing. Either way she swears by it and Zeus help anyone who tries to convince her otherwise...
Nowdays there are multiple of treatments which can improve our skin such as laser treatment and facials,etc
As we know that our skin is keratinized layer and it has capability to regenerate...
What we put on our skin is also important. Soaps and washes have a major effect on the skin's surface pH, and increasing the skin's pH makes it more alkaline, hence more vulnerable to skin irritation and infections including acne.