Today I want to share this little post with you, I'm going to talk about a very well-known fruit in my beautiful country Venezuela I especially like MANGO I hope these months of the year between May and August with a lot of anxiety because although it is the same fruit It has different spectacular flavors according to its type. I do not only like it for its color, its characteristic smell, but also for its sources of important benefits to our health.
During these months of the year we can find it in any supermarket there are many types, among them; the mango lint, apple tree, the snack these have different flavors, colors, even changes a little the way
This is the mango-sized snack of an apple, when ripe it has an intense yellow color is small this type has a very intense sweet taste and very pleasant smell.

The Mango de hilacha, this has a longer shape has many strands or threads that is why many people suck it instead of biting them, it is a little commercial handle, something scarce, it has a very strong flavor and is different to all

The Criollo mango is rounder and very fleshy, it has a flavor depending on whether it is ripe or not, because if it is eaten green it is quite acidic.

This is one that in Venezuela we call Manga, this is great of sweet flavor with a lot of meatiness and is my favorite, it is super tasty and nutritious.

This fruit has a series of great benefits for our health, improves digestion, these contain a lot of fibers, they avoid constipation, fight cancer since they contain vitamin C and antioxidants, it helps to keep the pores clogged from the skin. Your skin is whiter, softer and brighter.
They are good for pregnant women and people with anemia because of their iron content. Vitamin C in the mango helps the body absorb iron.
Also with this fruit we can make many things juices, ice creams and super rich desserts, among them the green mango jelly, I invite you to enjoy with your family and loved ones elaborating the different things that you can do with this delicious fruit in this way You can spend a pleasant time with your loved ones consuming a highly nutritious fruit apart from a tasty fruit.
Thanks for sharing!