Hello Everyone today i am going to share very important information about drinking water
Water is a gift of nature no body can live without water plants animal or humans
but we should know whats the best time for drinking water yes it is true that we can drink water anytime
but during and after meal it can be dangerous for our stomach
Water before meal is healthy like
Water During meal is good
water after meal is not good
also Doctor report says drinking water after meal can be dangerous for our stomach
after we eat meal our stomach starts to digest the food but if we drink water after meal it get disturb by the water
Hope you like and share this information because its all about your health
so be careful with your health and enjoy a happy life
Thank you
What kind of danger are we talking about here?
Are we talking cancer danger or indigestion danger?
The question arises it can cause serious disease it may cause ?
Drinking cold water after meal = Cancer cold water solidify oily stuff that you consumed. It ll slow down the digestion.
Ah, the solidifying oils makes a lot of sense.
Thanks for the info.
welcome :)
thanks for the info!
welcome :)
Thanks for sharing
welcome :)
Although this is quite a riveting post, is there any reliable source that you can put up? I would actually like to know if this is true. Thanks.