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RE: 5G is a Weapon Technology!

in #health5 years ago (edited)

I fully agree AND I also feel that - while we should resist it and all these allegedly useful "advances" like 5g - we should never underestimate our own power and capabilities.
The 5g narrative smells fishy on both sides. It probably isn't good for us - agreed. I also think that its "efficiency" in harming conscious beings depends on the level of worry involved by the individual. If you want a "physical" line of thinking: It isn't entirely impossible that these fields resonate and potentiate with states of anxiety and worry. If I were an asshole and wanted to make the most detri-mental effect happen with this 5g roll-out I would convince the Smombies (great idea by the way) that 5g is awesome and seed worry and relentless fear in those waking up so that we get the good old hegelian dialectic again and the train starts rolling on its own, "aware people" starting to warn everyone else how powerless we would be against this technology that wants to kills us all.

We are powerful. Let us resist and also... let's not give them too much credit for their cute attempts at hijacking sovereign concious beings against their will.
Much love <3


True,true... self empowering, that's what it's all about.
We are godly beings with a godly potential, that's why
"they" are "hatin'" on us ;)
And 5G works together with geoengineering, and you just reminded
me, how we gon' shoot back at them... Thanks for that ;)