Firstly this best taken in the evening and at the opposite end of the day to the Kefir. Today natural health practitioners often refer to Bee Pollen as an herbal fountain of youth. It may be nature's most perfect food. One thing is certain: people who consume high-quality Bee Pollen almost always experience an increase zest, and good feelings. This is precisely why thousands of world-class athletes supplement their diets with this natural substance.
Bee pollen contains an incredible array of vitamins, minerals, amino acids (all twenty two essential), enzymes, co-enzymes, and hormones. It is especially rich in B vitamins and antioxidants, including lycopene, selenium, beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, and several flavanoids. It is composed of 55% carbohydrates, 35% protein, 3% vitamins and minerals, 2% fatty acids, and 5% other substances. Overall, it's one of the most nutritionally complete natural substances found on earth. When you first start taking bee pollen you may feel a significant increase in your energy right away, definitely within a week or so.
The concept of CBD oil may be the buzz word at the moment but equally it's psychoactive counterpart THC oil has perhaps shown an even greater ability to cure cancer. One of the things you often lose with cancer is your diet as such THC/CBD is a key component in acheiving satisfactory hunger levels. Some of the curative effects of THC also arise from it's ability to relax the body. Indeed there is so much information relating to the curative effects of both CDB & THC oil that I could write an entire post about it. So I have simply added a couple of links in order that you can carry out your own research
Fulvic Minerals
Modern soils are minerally depleted and so probably are we. Re-mineralise with these remarkable, naturally occurring organic minerals. Fulvic Acid occurs naturally in all soils. It contains all the original life-giving, healing and protective qualities from all plants and other species that have ever lived on earth. All life, all the DNA and RNA from every life form, eventually becomes Fulvic Minerals.
Contains rare earths, trace minerals, amino acids, phytonutrients, and countless other elements that gave the original life forms their power. Fulvic Minerals are the ultimate product to remedy a world where natural good health is commonly compromised. Fulvic Acid is the most complex compound known to man. A healthy body requires minerals and many people notice the difference Fulvic makes in days. Designed by nature not by a chemist.
The Power of Fulvic Minerals
• Feeds the body the minerals missing in modern soil and foods.
• Stimulates and balances cells, creating optimum growth and replication conditions.
• May increases energy levels.
• The ultimate detoxifier.
• Intensifies the metabolism of proteins, RNA, and DNA.
• Boosts concentration and mental clarity.
• Fulvic Acids act as specific cell sensitizing agents and enhance the permeability of the cell membrane.
• Magnifies the effect of herbal teas and tinctures.
• Helps repair, regenerate and restore cells (including skin and nails).
• Can maintains optimum alkalinity (pH) levels.
• Enhances availability of nutrients, making them more readily absorbable.
• Increases the activity of several enzymes including alkaline phosphates, transaminase and invertase.
• One of the finest natural electrolytes known to man.
• Helps balance hormones along with the thyroid and thymus glands.
• May give a sense of well-being and a feeling of comfort in the body
Spirulina Is A Great Way To Alkaline The Body
Spirulina is an ideal anti-ageing food; concentrated nutrient value, and loaded with antioxidants. Spirulina is the richest beta carotene food, beta carotene is good for healthy eyes. Spirulina beta carotene is 10 times more concentrated than carrots. Iron is essential to build a strong system, Spirulina is rich in iron, magnesium & trace minerals. Spirulina is the highest source of B-12, essential for healthy nerves and tissue, especially for vegetarians.
Spirulina is the richest beta carotene food, with a full spectrum of ten mixed carotenoids. About half are orange carotenes: alpha, beta and gamma and half are yellow xanthophylls. They work synergistically at different sites in our body to enhance antioxidant protection. 20 years of research proves eating beta carotene rich fruits and vegetables gives us really good health and protection from a lack of. Research showed natural beta carotene from algae is the most effective effective way, natural forms are easily assimilated and contain the key 9-cis isomer.
Dandelion Root
The humble dandelion is perhaps one of nature’s most bountiful cancer cures and one that is poisoned by gardeners on an industrial scale! Dandelion roots have been used in China for centuries as cures for liver, kidney, and gallbladder problems. They have also been extensively used to treat many different types of cancer. It is incredibly high in potassium and Vitamin A alongside a multitude of other vitamins.
Dandelion Root extract has shown a huge potential to fight a vast array of cancers including leukemia, pancreatic cancer, melaloma, and indeed colorectal cancer cell lines.
Dandelion Root Powder By George Cairns
To make Dandelion Root powder, let's start at the beginning. This would be collecting the seed. The seed is at the base of the white fluffy crown that appears when the yellow flower matures. Blow on them and they fly away. These little seeds do not grow until the next spring. I collect the seeds in May and June, then I put them in the freezer. This way you fool Mother Nature as the seeds must freeze before they grow. This way you can grow the seed the same year you collect them. Work up the land where you are going to plant them and spread the seeds on top of the ground and rake them [into the soil] very lightly and water [them]. I usually plant the seeds in August.
I dig up the seedlings the next April. I try to do all my transplanting in April as by the end of April they start blooming which takes the energy away from making roots. It's a good thing to pick the buds off for the first couple of months. When I dig the seedlings up in April, I plant them about 6 inches apart in rows 18 to 20 inches apart. I hoe them when needed and keep the weeds and grass out of them. After about 2 months you won't be able to hoe as they will cover the ground. Then I pull the weeds and grass out of the bed. Water when needed.
I usually start digging them up in October. By this time some of the roots will be 1 inch in diameter. I shake off most of the dirt [but not all] and slice lengthwise the bigger roots to about 1/4 inch so they will dry evenly. To dry them I use a forced-air incubator without any water in it. I set the incubator at 100 degrees or a little less. It takes about 5 days until they are ready to grind. You can use a dehydrator set around 100 degrees. If it doesn't have settings, don't use it. You can also dry in the sun if you put them in something the wind can blow through, like a small potato or onion sack. Hang them in the sun but take them down in the late afternoon and put in a plastic sack and tie it. If you don't they will pick up moisture and you will be back where you started. Then put them out the next day when the sun is up. Once you have heat in the house, it's no trouble as they will dry OK most anywhere there is heat, like near a register or stove. The excess dirt will pop off as they dry. Mother Nature knows how much to leave. If the roots are very clean, add a little dirt as this powder won't work without the dirt.
When you make powder, try not to lose anything. Pound the roots flat, then put in an electric coffee grinder for 25 seconds and you have powder. You can also keep pounding and crumbling until you have it the right fineness. What I did for a long time, a friend gave me a cast iron pestle and mortar. With this, you can get it down as fine as you wish.
To store, put in an air-tight jar and fill as near to the top as possible. I've kept it 10 months this way. Also, keep in a dry place.
George Cairns
Woodstock, Illinois, USA
My Soup Cures Colds
Obviously I've already highlighted numerous immune system boosters. But if a cold or flu manages to sneek past then try my strong tomato soup! I have this when I'm ill and I can literally feel it curing me and everyone I know swears by it. If I was doing it for myself I'd roast 3-4 nice size (cut in half) tomatoes, & one nice size onion. Put them in the oven with a drizzle of olive oil at a medium temperature for an hour to an hour and a half. Half way through take 5-6 nice size garlic cloves and mash them up with a fork (do not cook them). The process of mashing garlic produces a chemical reaction that generates both hydrogen sulfide (which is great for your heart and blood pressure) and Allicin which is a great anti-bacterial, equally garlic is anti carcinogenic.
Remove the tomatoes and onions from the oven place in a blender, add the garlic and a teaspoon of bouillion organic vegetable stock. Then add enough boiling water for a liberal size bowl, mix together, pour and then enjoy. I swear by this recipe as does anyone that trys it when they're feeling run down. It literally woks within hours, sometimes sooner.
I realise this is a lengthy post but it's meant as an information source for anyone that needs it. My only hope is that at some point either now or in the future it's able to help someone take back control of their lives. Obviously I don't expect people to take everything I've listed but I hope to have at least given you some great options to think about. Nothing is guaranteed in this life, but if this research helps just one person then I will have done my job. I also want people to know they're not alone and that they still have choices, they still have power. Like a wise man once said "it ain't over till the fat lady sings".
Thank You For Reading
Written by perceptualflaws
Certain information was used from
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Gifs courtesy of @justcallmemyth
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Below are instructions from George Cairns on how to make this free medicine. You can sow it or simply collect it from fields, but think twice the next time you destroy it for it has the potential to save your life. I took this from:
Wow dude, what a post!
The work you have put into this is amazing.
So many have been affected by the spectre of cancer, it's so hard to watch a loved one go through the pain of not only the disease but the barbaric treatments offered. I'm with you mate, there is no way I would ever accept chemo if I was unfortunate enough to contract cancer. I would however be revisiting this post to ensure I was doing everything I could to try and help myself get healthier. It's a disgrace how many practitioners that have advocated for these simple but affective treatments have been struck off or worse and are often forced to practice outside of there own countries. The medical Mafia of big Pharma need taking down before they kill us all.
Great work mate.
@tremendospercy Thank you my friend, I really appreciate your words. It's such a difficult thing to witness, to see a loved one or family member have the life drained from them. To be honest it stirred up a lot of emotions I thought I'd put to rest and I really want to try and find a way to empower people that are going through the most difficult of times. I feel that if people embrace these concepts it will liberate them from the sense of helplessnes that I know they feel. The fight against cancer is not just in the body but equally a daily fight in the mind, as such to feel like you're being proactive as opposed to helpless is a powerful tonic in itself.
These companies have morphed into sizes of monsterous proportions and have a convoluted tree of deception only an expert could unravel. They have their fingers in banking, agriculture and medicine and indeed in some pervated way the three actually feed each other. They want to strangle the world in so much red tape that only multi billion pound interests can even hope to exist. A level playing field that only a handful can afford to play in. The ability to buy local has never been more important and is not something we should ever take for granted. Again thanks for sucha great comment!!
Great post with so much good information. Thanks so much for taking the time to put all of this together. It's a great resource.
My father passed away a year ago due to cancer. He had chemo and it destroyed his body. He also didn't help himself with his diet. He ate mostly sugar and wouldn't change despite our pleas saying that he was feeding the cancer.
He trusted the doctors and unfortunately wouldn't consider any alternative treatments. His choice I know, but I think he could still be here if he followed a plan like you've outlined.
Great post, I'm resteemimg it. This information needs to be shared.
@eccentrally Thank you so much for your kind words and resteem, it's really appreciated. I'm very sorry to hear of your loss and to be honest your father seems to have had the exact same mindset as my friend.
It's so difficult when someone simply won't listen and instead heads in exactly the opposite direction. From the experience with my friend I certainly know that to put all your eggs in one basket and trust the doctors is the wrong course of action. Equally it's a very difficult spell to break as in times of great upset and worry we tend to gravitate to "the experts". I guess in a way it's much like we did as children, to run to a close family member who would make everything better.
Again thanks for your kind words and I hope at some point over the years this post will at least bring hope to someone.
I'm following you as your content was full on also had a similar experience my dad died in 1989 of prostrate cancer and it was kept all very secret from me as I was still a child. I as an adult have changed my diet as both my parents died young, I believe it was their diets as neither of my parents drank or smoked. Look forward to reading more of your post love n light and thank you.
Thank you for taking the time to read and leave a comment, I really do appreciate it. I'm very sorry to hear about your loss, when my friend passed he also had a very young daughter. It's such a difficult thing to deal with and something that never leaves you, but equally it's great that you've been proactive and tried to take control of your own health. I'm really glad you enjoyed the post and were able to take something from it. Once again thank you for the comment.
very instructive post !!
It's crazy how nowadays people feed themselves with crappy food and then complain that they are always sick !
However It's been said since a long time that cow milk was very good for us...All bullshit, since 2 years the truth is coming out !! We cannot even digest It !
I am finding that more and more people around me have cancer / the disease of our society. we are making ourselves ill .
i am trying to change the way I eat for a more healthy way, It's not always easy to resist to temptations ( especially cakes, and sweets ) but It is just different habits to take .
I think people will go back to nature slowly, slowly, back to the originel and to real, nutritious food
Hey @carodebali thanks for taking the time to read and leave such a great comment! It's much appreciated and yes you're right for people seem to be content to eat vast quantities of processed food and then are surprised when they get ill. Unfortunately much of this world is built on speed and convenience and thus people are simply a product of their surroundings. I think a little of what you like does no harm at all and we need to rediscover that balance again. Thanks for the great comment my friend.
Thank you for sharing
you have my upvote
Keep smiling, reading, writing and voting!!!
@mannyfig1956 Thanks for taking the time to read and comment and upvote, I really appreciate it. Sorry for the delay in my reply but I wasn't around yesterday. Again thanks for yoru words of support, we grow this platform by empowering each other :)
There has been tons of alternative medicine and healthy eating articles and claims online. I do believe that food is one of the key sources that affects and influences the health of individuals. Psychology, stress, and many others also play another major role as additional sources that would help humans stay well balanced and healthy. We are a combination of both body and soul.
Great work on compiling all this info, and again eating healthy is a sure way to at least live happily, and hopefully a disease-free (or minimum to say the least) life. I'm sure your info will help someone out there
Thanks again for sharing!Glad to hear about your dad and him surviving Cancer @perceptualflaws, inspirational!
@mcfarhat Sorry for the delay in reply but I wasn't around yesterday. Many thanks for taking the time to read and leave such great comments, I really appreciate it. Yes you're completely right on the psychology perspective and indeed a life lived against the clock often ensures that to save time we consume the most convenient but worst foods. I think the whole system feeds illness in some form of cycle that we become trapped in, time to break the chains and reclaim both our health and our minds. Again thanks for the great comment!!
This article is amazing! I knew a few of these treated cancer but not all. Thank you for sharing! WOW! Absolutely incredible content!
Thanks for taking the time to read and leave such a great comment. I really do appreciate it. I'm so glad you were able to take something from the post. Again thanks for the comment.
WOW what a wonderful volume you have put together here, I'm so grateful to have these resources added to the blockchain. You're a real GEM @perceptualflaws! Thank you for all your hard work in awakening and helping others. xo <3
Thank you so much @lyndsaybowes that really means a lot and I'm glad you were able to take something from it. Again thank you for saying so and I really respect all your work and equally the passion and dedication you give to your every post.
One day maybe I'll have the talent of putting together such detailed, amazing posts, you really blow me away!
A lot of great info. The one that many do not know is the 444 hz cancer frequency put into an specially designed LED light emitter then sent through WAVES of light, entering 9" into your body to kill all CANCER cells. Its called BIOPHOTON. No diet, supplements or food needed. We use certain captured frequencies to kill all bacteria, Lyme, viruses known to man, with this technique, for the past 8 YEARS!
@tomm thank you and equally thanks for the great info. I'm currently doing some work that would perfectly absorb that concept, so I'm really glad you shared that with me as I was unaware. If you don't mind I'll incorporate it into my post (which won't be out for a little while) and will of course give you a shout in the process.
Very good post!... thank you.
I share, @perceptualflaws @tomm and for all:
Radiofrequencies List (Dr Royal Rife), for each disease (10 RF for each cancer type)
Microscopic video: Radiofrequency kill parasite (that feed Cancer)
This post I published today: Successful protocols for Cancer and many other diseases
no, its not rife it is way beyond rife!
@ecodata Thank you for your informative comment. I will be sure to look into this information and it's great to know you're trying to raise an awareness. Thanks again.
Great list of things that can help in the prevention of cancer. I am part of a program that teaches cancer survivors about the importance of exercise to their health. Many that have gone through the program have never done any fitness regimen in their lives. Exercise is an important part of staying healthy. I do believe that sugar, processed foods, and things like high fructose corn syrup and other chemicals in our foods are a major reason for many of the health problems that are around.
@ptmikesteem Thanks for taking the time to read and comment my friend, I really appreciate it. Respect to you for raising an awareness of these issues. There are so many aspects of our lives that are beyond our control. But like you say a key component is simply how many steps we take in a day and what food we put in our mouths. It sounds easy but I imagine it'seasier said than done to change peoples perspective on these important issues. Again thanks for the great comment.
What a great post! I'm glad your dad is still with you. We recently lost my hubby's dad to the chemo too.... I would also add turmeric with peperine to the list. Powerful, inflammation and immune boosting stuff know for its cancer-fighting properties and so much more. Have a great day!
@amy-goodrich Thank you for your kind words and for taking the time to read ths post. I'm very sorry for your loss and I know it's such a heartbreaking thing to witness. I agree and think tumeric is an excellent choice and is peperine related to black cumin, nigella sativa (black seed oil)? Thanks for the information and to be honest the post started to become so long that I've decided to add a second part at a later date and then link the two together. I want this to be as comprehensive as possible so thanks for your ideas I really appreciate it. In the second part I will probably ask people to list their own ideas in the comments section. There are so many informed people on steemit (including yourself) and the blockchain is an amazing resource. Have a great day.
The peperine comes from black pepper and is needed to increase the bioavailability of curcumin. Our body doesn't absorb it very well and peperine increases it by up to 2000 times. Have a lovely day and you are so right! The blockchain is changing lives every day!
Great article - so much good info - we run a business selling a lot of those supplements - unfortunately the NZ and Aus governments recently made apricot kernals illegal because they are a threat to the cancer industry, Like cannibis there is an underground market now.
Chemotherapy is certainly the worst possible thing anyone can do. I would first aim for more than 10 grams a day of Liposomal C.
@sift666 Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment. It's absolutely disgusting that natural medicine is being criminalised, if you'd told me ten years ago there would be an underground market in apricot kernels I would have laughed, well I'm not laughing now. The Codex Alimentarius project is taking aim at all forms of natural medicine but it's being done slowly so people don't notice, alas eventually we will have no choices. Big Pharma wants it all from food production to medicine the two will eventually feed each other in an unholy cycle. Liposomal C is excellent and with a proven track record. Respect to you for being invloved in an industry that gives people hope, keep fighting the good fight. Again thanks for reading & commenting.
Surely you know:
Dr. Linus Pauling (1901 - 1994) - (Image)
1954 Nobel Prize in Chemistry (Vitamin C efficient against Cancer).
1962 Nobel Peace Prize.
He cures his Cancer with Vitamin C and Alkalinization.
Thank you @sift666 and @perceptualflaws for fighting in a cause of justice!
Great post and information here. Thanks for sharing :)
@road2wisdom Thank you for taking the time to read and leave me such kind comments. I really appreciate it and I'm glad you were able to take something away from the post.
Great information ....thanks you for sharing @perceptualflaws
@sandra12 Thank you for taking the time to read and comment as I really do appreciate your consideration. Have a great day .. or night :)
Wow excellent post! I had no idea cancer feeds on sugar, mind blowing!
I have coconut oil and smoke a lot of THC lol and I love spirulina. I'll do some research on the rest.
Thanks for sharing :)
Thank you @soundwavesphoton Yes refined (white) sugar is really bad for you, especially with pancreatic cancer. I've heard that coconut oil holds the THC very nicely .. so I'm told anyway :) No problem and thanks for the comment.
This post has received a 0.63 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.
@perceptualflaws got you a $1.46 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image:
Want a boost? Click here to read more!
This post has received a 1.65 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @perceptualflaws.
The fruits and vegetables,"Are awesome in heart shape " this person is very skillfull man ,and I love it
Thanks for providing this useful information. I like how you mention that some supplements can not be taken together. I was diagnosed with colon cancer in December 2015. I took four sessions of chemo then stopped because my blood work was "clear" and because the chemo gave me neuropathy, watery eyes, etc. I've been reading and researching natural therapies like the ones you outline in this post.
I've created a list of books that I found helpful. Some things you've mentioned appear in some of these books. is the post I wrote. Would you like to comment on any of those titles? Thanks for reading this post.
Have you heard of The Dandelion Root Project? Why is this not on the news? What has Pharma being doing with all that 5K money people have been giving them for decades? We NEED to start running 5Ks for THESE guys, otherwise PHARMA WILL BE YOUR DOCTOR!!
Sharing this with someone close to me just diagnosed with tumors in the occipital lobe, right half of the brain.
Thank you for you time creating this post.