
We realize depression is horrible, and we totally respect however people choose to deal with what they're going through. If someone has great success with dealing with depression (or any kind of sickness or illness, for that matter, WE WANT TO HEAR ABOUT IT!) All we're really trying to do is give the most valuable, practical solution, to whatever matters we become aware of. This is a remedy-- how many drugs are taken and how much alcohol is drank, how much TV are people watching, how many prescriptions are people taking because they're not happy, because they're depressed? There's nothing good about those.

"This is the Most Holistic REMEDY WE HAVE FOUND". This is a remedy--it's not the only way, or the end all be all. Yet it's safe, healthy and has a wide range of health benefits on top of that it helps with depression. This is one of the things that it specifically helps with. As far as a drug/pill/alcohol/distraction goes, it IS far superior! Is fasting for 140 days in a cave a more badass solution?! Absolutely! If you write an article like that, we'll be sure to upvote that and not be angry that someone succeeded in something more badass than us or better than us. For now, we'll offer real accessible upgrades that improve the quality of life, the best we know how. If someone has a better way, please let us know!