A 3D Representation of Atenolol Molecule
Source : Google
Drug compendium is an attempt to look at the pharmacological activities of drugs we take and it's physiological actions on living cells.
I will be taking a look at atenolol today which is a commonly prescribed drug by pharmacists and doctors.
Atenolol is a beta adrenergic blocking agent prescribed mainly in pathological situations as abnormal heart rhythms, angina pectoria, increased blood pressure, anxiety, repeated heart attack, and related myocardial disorders. It's prescribed generally for patients with heart disorders.
These conditions could be the cause of tiredness, weakness, dizziness, accompanied by vomiting, blurry vision, liver toxicity, chest pain among others.
Apart from the use of atenolol in curbing heart disorders, patients are advised to reduce salt consumption, drink adequate water, regular exercise, reduction in intake of coffee, adequate vitamin C and E.
Combining atenolol with alcohol can cause a sudden drop in Blood pressure, atenolol should not be taken along with mao-inhibitor and not to be taken with aspirins or similar drugs.
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Your pharmacist.I am @Pharmebuka
Good little post mate. Well done!
Just knowing about that now.