From research I read many years ago, psychedelics tend to block neurotransmitter inhibitors thereby flooding the brain with sensory signals it normally could tune out.
Example: right now, until I mention it, you are tuning out signals from various parts of your body like your feet and your tongue. It's hard to focus on several things at once because you control inhibitors in your brain to tune out things that you aren't focused on. Since psychedelics block your inhibitors, more signals are flooding into your conscientiousness at the same time resulting in the strange effects.
While a very small amount of that can be stimulating. A large amount can cause hallucinations, extreme distortions of reality and inability to distinguish between imagination and reality, resulting in the inability to deal with emergencies.
Different psychedelic drugs, i.e. mushrooms, peyote, belladonna, LSD, etc, effect different inhibitors, thereby causing different effects.
Be very careful picking wild mushrooms, some are deadly poison.
If small doses of one of the various psychedelics can help people to have more compassion and commit less crimes, that would be wonderful.
Congrats on your victory over cancer.
Also look into dandelion root, flowers and leaves as a powerful cancer fighter.
Keep your vitamin D3 levels up.