3 years ago I went to a doctor & he basically said I was going to die unless I changed my lifestyle & soon. I had a stressful job & he told me I had to give up work & just try anything to change but offered no solution just shrugged his shoulders & grimaced at me. Nothing could be done change or die.
That's the last time I saw a doctor.
I started drinking distilled water after watching Andrew Norton Webber on youtube it's pretty much my only beverage I might have the odd cup of tea here & there so long as it's made with distilled water.
After drinking it for 2 weeks at the rate of a gallon a day I came out in an awful rash itchy as hell & it lasted for a couple of days, The reason for the rash was impurity literally leaching from my pores.
After a couple of months magical things started to happen now after 3 years it has changed my entire life.
For starters I had grey hair, I'm not young, The original colour returned to my hair that's just not normal. Then I'm blind in one eye I have been since I was a child & my good eye had a +5 prescription as far as eyesight goes that means I had to wear glasses like bottle tops. After 3 years my eyesight has improved by 2 prescription levels it took 40+ years for it to deteriorate that far 3 years to fix, again it's just not normal.
I haven't been ill not once in 3 years & have come into contact with plenty of people with cold & flu etc I just haven't caught it, What a coincidence.
Distilled water is the only water with a negative charge this means electricity flows through it at a faster rate its why we put it in car battery's not just for the conductivity but because tap water KILLS IT.
We run on electrolytes are thoughts are electric charges going across our brain which is made of 90% water if we drink distilled water not only do we not get hard mineral deposits blocking the capillaries the electrolytes flow better because of the negative charge this is the same for every vital organ in our body the blood flow & electrolyte flow as a scientific fact has to improve.
The only reason doctors do not shout this from the rooftops is there is no commission for them to sell you any drugs, That's right your doctor is a drug dealer he earns commission on everything he sells you. Chemotherapy treatment is a lucrative business with a 90% failure rate, In comparison distilled water falls from the sky for free & in my opinion used in tandem with positive thought has a 0% failure rate. I have yet to hear from a single person that has tried it & experienced failure.
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I LOVE YOUR STORY! It should be a post! Almost everyone sells out I have come to conclude. my family has a chocolate business, I live off the residual income of KILLING people. I am no better than these doctors, I just came to this conclusion so now I have to deal with it. The idea of selling my ownership and being without an income (that we worked 30 years to build is SCARY, but it is the RIGHT thing to do I think?
One of my first posts after joining was about distilled water & would have contained some of the same content, I can wax lyrical for hours about it, I have to warn my friends when they see my distiller not to get me started on it. You cant believe everything you read on google but the amount of testimonies I have read online just like mine & even more astounding prove for me that this isn't a fad it's a fact. I have tested tap water in England for impurity there are around 850 different impurities in it, None of them are healthy. Mineral water comes in with over 50. Shopkeepers give me funny looks because I buy a bottle of mineral water go outside & empty it on the floor they don't get that I only wanted the bottle to put some good stuff in. Spring water no thank you don't need that poison in me.
I wouldn't worry about the chocolate so much not a fair comparison to big pharma for killing folk at least they get some enjoyment from the product. You could pioneer some healthier chocolate I suppose it might sell use natural sweetener or something instead of sugar.
Links to my posts on water don't vote they are dead posts..
https://steemit.com/health/@professorhobo/secrets-of-consciousness-in-water https://steemit.com/health/@professorhobo/distilled-water
My outlook on life is changing so much from this water fast. I treated food like a drug, I really think my brain is being rewired right now, very interesting.