Bersepada is known as one of the types of sports that can bring many benefits for physical health. Cycling on a regular basis can train your muscle strength and flexibility, weight loss help the process, to preserve the health of the cardiovascular.
However, not many are aware that sport is fun it also saves a lot of benefits for mental health. It is known from a variety of research that seeks to uncover the relationship between sports and mental health. The following are the seven benefits of bersepada for mental health as reported by Sport Insight.
1. Undoing Stress
There are many stress triggers that can be found in daily life, ranging from congestion, financial problems, up to the heavy workload in the Office. If left unchecked, stress can cause the occurrence of some physical problems such as back pain and headache of tense or tension headache. Stress can also trigger mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.
Cycling note can lower cortisol levels in the body. Cortisol is a hormone in the body known as the stress hormone. Cycling can also be a fun way to break away from the stressful routine. Around with an electric bike can also create thoughts and feelings become more relaxed and fresh.
2. Increase Your Confidence
Cycling is also known to trigger the secretion of serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter known mood can increase the good feeling, confidence, and respect for themselves.
Cycling through the hills for example, will make cyclists feel more powerful and positive towards oneself after successfully completing challenging routes. Cycling on a regular basis can also improve physical health which will then add to the confidence towards appearance.
3. Sleep Better
Cycling also encourages the release of human growth hormone (HGH) into the blood stream as long as the body is asleep. HGH will help people who are fond of cycling for better sleep and sleep. Tired of the perceived after cycling can also help a person to sleep more easily.
4. Boost Endorphins
Regular sports and cycling can increase the levels of endorphins in the body. Endorphins is a chemical substance that brings a feeling of happy and trigger a positive reaction in the mind and body.
Research shows that cycling for 10 minutes can take off the endorphins that are enough to make a person feel happier and more positive. Cycling regularly can trigger the flow of endorphins consistently to maintain the mood remains good. Endorphins also can help a person to fight mental illness such as Alzheimer's.
5. Natural Remedy
Cycling on a regular basis can provide the same benefits as effectively as taking antidepressant drugs for people who are experiencing depression. It can happen because cycling encourages the emergence of a sense of calm at the same time help change the processes and patterns of thinking eseorang.
On the other hand, cycling can also unleash dopamine and serotonin in the body. Although not yet scientifically proven, the dopamine and serotonin are believed to be beneficial in reducing and preventing depression.
6. Activity outdoors
Just spend time in the home can create a State of someone who is experiencing mental health problems get worse. Outdoor activity and under exposure to sunlight can provide great benefit to people who are struggling with anxiety and depression. Outdoor activity combined with cycling can add benefits such as increased energy, immerse yourself in a positive and decreases the levels of stress or pressure.
Outdoor activities can also bring changes to the atmosphere is good and fresh. Electric bike can be a good choice to let someone with mental health problems have more time to enjoy the outdoors with minimal effort.
7. Healthy Means Of Transport
And being stuck in a crowded public transport can increase levels of stress and give a negative impact to mental health. Substitute means of transport with electric bike to go to the Office can be a good way to improve mental and physical health.
Cycling to the Office will bring a sense of fun, fresh and positively so that workers become more poised in the face of his duties in the Office. In addition, get Office cycling can also grow more workers save financially.
I ALWAYS feel better physically and emotionally after biking, as long as I can go at my own pace and with music. I don’t like biking with others, as they interrupt deep thinking and flow of thought.