Bad breath is a nuisance, because it will make you feel uncomfortable when talking with others. There are several factors that can cause bad breath, such as eating sharp-smelling foods or because of lack of drinking water.
Usually people outsmart the smell of the mouth by eating candy, but actually there are natural ingredients that can be used to expel bad breath.
1. Fennel seeds
Fennel seeds serve as an excellent mouth freshener and can help control bad breath. This is because fennel seeds contain antimicrobial properties that will eradicate bacteria in the mouth. You can consume 1 tablespoon of fennel seed after eating with, or make it into a tea.
2. Fenugreek seeds
Fenugreek seeds are great for removing bad odors in the mouth. You can make it to the bad breath. Way, add 1 tablespoon fenugreek seeds into boiling water, then strain and drink once a day.
3. Cloves
Cloves are excellent for refreshing your breath, and also contain antibacterial properties that can help eliminate bad breath. You can chew a few cloves directly after a meal, if you do not like it, you can make it into a tea to taste not too bitter.
4. Lemon water
Acid content in lemons will prevent the growth of bacteria that cause bad breath. To use it, simply add 1 spoon of lemon juice to a glass of water, then gargle with the mixture.
5. Apple vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a very powerful ingredient to cure bad breath. This is because apple vinegar can balance the pH of the mouth, and kill the bacteria that cause bad breath. You can mix apple vinegar with a glass of water every morning to rinse for a fresh breath.
6. Cinnamon
Cinnamon can eliminate bad breath because it contains sinamaldehida. This compound will reduce the amount of bacteria in the mouth. To use it, boil 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder with water, add bay leaves and cardamom, then strain. You use it as a mouthwash.