Bom Dia!
I am just now getting to posting some of the cool content from SteemFest over 20 days ago now!
here. I also made a post with photos from the LX Factory Art and Food Scene here. I was at LX Factory for a couple days before SteemFest setting up the art space and getting to know the area. I made a post about working with @roelandp @everlove @saramiller @opheliafu and @lifemovedbysteem
For me life is yoga - I do yoga every day and intend to embody yogi perspectives in many ways.
I have only gone to one "yoga class" in my life and didn't much care for it. However, I love to climb, jump, stretch, and play, testing my body in new ways in new environments!
I have climbed plenty of ladders before, but this is the first full on yoga session I have had on the ladder!
It was really fun because it was new and fresh - also because it was inspired in the moment rather than a routine or plan that I stick to in order to "work out".
It was much harder to balance on the edge of a ladder than on the ground. Plus, this ladder was bent, unstable, and wobbly, making it even more difficult!
I do like a challenge!
Top it off with a high flying leap!
Pushing my limits and also playing help keep me young and alive. Take care of your body and enjoy life!
I love this!!!!
Yay! =)>
Your posts are always so much fun, haha!!
So today was my one year anniversary, and I decided to make a collage style tribute. It's a bit of a where's waldo, lol, but all the cool people are represented (at least I hope i didn't miss anyone!)
Thanks =)>
Sounds like a fun anniversary project. I will check it out!
That looked like fun!
That finish jump was apotheosic !! hahaha I will try it now
hahahahaha what does "apotheosic" mean?
maybe in english doesn't exist (it's just tremenduous!!) or it's relationated with "Apotheosis"
Yes not an english word!
Though its a fantastic word now that I see!
hey brother, it's seven days, just checking in that you are ok out there. cheers @quinneaker -- peace.
Hey Brother!
I am doing well despite some uncomfortable curve balls by the universe. Got our passports stolen, money, credit cards etc while in Madrid.
Never giving up and keeping vibes high.
fk!!! never give up bro. hope you have found a resolution and the embassy is sorting you out. etc, if i had spare funds i'd send them over!
Thanks man!
I appreciate the love and support!
Yes its sorted, wound up costing us about an extra $900 with emergency passports and the stolen money but other than that we are alright!
roger that, safe travels to your destinations to all the gang.
Bless it be~*~
I got scared a few times while scrolling hahaha - I would love to get more into yoga in the next year or so as I can put more time towards things for me and less for business
Yes money is VERY over rated in this world. Health and happiness are priceless!
Live the dream~*~
Great one ! Someday I will instruct for you a Jivamukti yoga session! :-D Upvotet and Resteemed! Yoga and Steem om;-)
Yoga and Steem for life!
For real🌸Steem da yoga mat🙌🏽Shanti om
A playful spirit, that's what you are. :))
May it be so~*~
Awesome yoga pics. Balance is the key! Interesting use of ladder as a prop ;-)
Yes Yoga is awesome and balance is KEY!
Yes I like to have real world capability so I keep things real, always new, fresh challenges!
i like yoga i love yoga .yoga is my life.
yoga is life~*~
Wobbly Ladder Yoga is nice, your stan is awesome, I like this
hahaha glad you like it!
Yummy pics! Had a dream this morning of you and I having fun on a yoga trapeze that was positioned over a bed. I woke up in a very good mood.😘